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Everything posted by Nickgan

  1. lol dude it works!!! when i say it works i dont mean that it works in a nabie-server with bugs and exploits.. i mean to l2-off server working many years with all bugs fixed and this works!!!! only a little problem.. i will explain you what exactly i do and where is the problem: 1) i registered at oly and when it said: IN xxx seconds you will be in stadium i went to BroadTower and clicked: Coliseum->Center 2) Then i was in coliseum and when the time finished i was as broadcaster in the match.. 3) Now,,: is it normally that when i clicked return i didnt stay in coliseum but i was outside broadcasting tower?? The good is that the enemy's hp/cp was on screen and it was like we duel... 4) So now what i have to do?? i did exactly the bug but the only way to win is if he do restart.. I tried to did restart after 5 min of waiting and then i pm the enemy and he said that he took the points.. That means that the bug works well!!! So the problem is that if want to win i have to hope if the enemy will restart??? Is there anyway to take the point for sure? Another question is: as observer, can the enemy see me and report it so then i take ban?? or the enemy cant see me so i havent danger from ban??? Thnx a lot i want to answer me plz to those 2 questions especially to the second one!!
  2. this bug worked even to the most secure servers.. when we made one of the best clans of my server 3 years ago we donated one time full items and then we made them x10 times for all clan members and made more items with this bug.. unfortunately our server now removed the deposit items on the pet.. :/
  3. excellent post but on my svr by changing proff i dont take gifts.. so if i buy bog from npc is there any way?
  4. Alloz! Skeftika ena kolpaki to opoio epsa3a kai dn exei 3anaginei post... Tha ithela se auto to post na voithisete kai eseis oso boreite gt dn einai testarismeno alla exei mia logiki... Tha to testara sto diko m to svr alla an then eixe to parakatw fix... Protou 3ekinisoume lpn na sas pw oti to fix einai to auto clicker kanei san na mn iparxei to l2 box.. Dld einai san na pataei kapou allou ektos apo to l2box akoma kai an kanate Locate panw sto l2.. Opote prin 3ekinisoume tha ithela san 1o meros kapoios na kanei reply kai na mas pei an iparxei lisi gia auto.. San to basiko meros, an paroume gia paradigma lpn to l2phx, to exploit gia to warehouse stn ousia auto p kanei einai tn IDIA AKRIVWS stigmh p ginete to enchant na bei to wep sto warehouse.. Auto einai p to anagazei kai na mn spasei... Asfalws kai to l2phx einai kati apolita fixarismeno se ametritous svr giauto kai skeftika na kanw to idio me diaforetiko tropo opws to Auto Cliker.. Se vimata lpn: 1) Exoume 1 wep gia enchant 2) exoume scrolls 3) kanoume mexri to safe enchant 4) anoigoume to warehous kai topothetoume to wep alla dn patame akoma to OK gia na ginei deposit.... 5) Anoigoume to inventory kai to scroll mas. 6) Topothetoume to OK tou scroll panw sto OK tou warehouse 7) Kanoume to Locate panw sta OK kai vazoume na ginoun kai ta dio click se ligotero apo klasmata deuteroleptou.. 8) To oplo tha ginei enchant alliws an spasei tha parameinei mesa sto wh me to idio ++ logika... Simiwsh: Se pollous svr otan einai anoixto to Box tou warehouse gia na kanete deposit dn sas epitrepei na anoi3ete to invertoru akoma kai na patisete Tab.. Giauto lpn milate sto warehous kai exete to heri sas etoimo na patisete Tab to opoio anoigei to invertory.. Thn idia stigmh p tha patisete "I want to deposit..." me to mouse sas tn idia stigmh tha patisete kai tab sto keyboard. Epanalamvanw oti dn to exw testarei alla einai to idio me to l2phx apla to autoclicker dn m fenete kai kati san "hacking" tool gia na fenete apilitiko pros tn svr pou simenei oti dn einai apolita fixarismeno.. Ena paromoio bug p skeftika me to auto clicker einai to drop.. Pate kapou monaxika kai rixnete to wep.(MN PATISETE AKOMA TO OK GIA NA MN PESEI).. Anoigete kai enchant scroll kai vazete to ok to ena panw sto allo kai kanete to Locate tou Auto clicker.. Logika to apotelesma tha einai to idio.. Dn borw na to testarw apo tn stigmh p to l2 box tou svr pou pezw dn leitourgei.. Apo ola ta programs fenete san na mn iparxei p leei o logos.. Giauto ama exete lisi 'h kapoion IN-GAME autoclicker tote kade post.. Opoios borei na to testarei as mou pei ta apotelesmata.. THNX!!
  5. 1) it doesnt make sense.. 2) it doesnt work Anyone can do whatever to calculate the rates and do something to enchant surely but in my opinion it is like roulette: EVEN IF YOU TRY TO CALCULATE WHATEVER ENCHANT/ROULETTE IS LUCK...
  6. twra dn ginete pleon dn peftoun items apo ta mobs ston gold rush
  7. to paradexomai kai perimena na dw teteies adidraseis xD.. einai odws fail alla ama o allos einai zwaki gt na mn petixei?
  8. thnx for your help guys... so it would be better by downloading a basic pack (i basicly want c4 or IL) and then make my configurations from the database and from the files manually wihtout needing a compiler..? ok, basicly the compiler checks the work we have done but what i mean is that we can configure everything from the txt files? KEYWORD IS: "EVERYTHING". What i mean is that i may not have the ability to make some systems like the rebirth system only from the database and the txt files? again thx for the help guys i would like to have some more replies... sorry for my rough writing but i dont have much time...
  9. Hello guys, I have some questions and i would appreciate it if you could help me... At the beginning i bored and left my tries on l2off because i hadn't much support and knowledge either... Finaly i reached to understand and learn almost everything for l2java. The problem is that i am not intended to make a serious and good l2java server but my goals are a l2off server... So, firstly, i would like to tell you in which "level" of knowledge i am right now... I have recently started C++ developing by having already knowledge on some other programming languages. Now my goal is becoming an l2off developer and i am really decided to learn anything on c++ for l2off developing. I also understood compeletely what an l2off server is and how exactly it works. The question now is: do i have to work on a project like l2java and compile it with my way and onfigurations? MANY PEOPLE DO NOT ANSWER ME TO THIS QUESTION AND OTHERS TELL ME TO EXPERT C++ IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND WHAT I HAVE TO DO THEN... Ok guys so let's say that i am an expert on c++ then what i have to do? You tell me that i must program lineage 2 from the begin with my way in order to give the game my own configurations? This is not sensible. Explain me on which project and files i must work... Like l2java we work on some basic projects already programed from the begin on lineage 2 and then someone can make his own configurations. On c++ i read somewhere that the files are stolen from the NCSoft originaly.. That means that those basic/official files exists and we can edit them and configure owr own server with different configurations knowing c++ of course. IF YOU BORED READING THE ABOVE THINGS THEN JUST READ THE BIG LETTERS BUT PLEASE READ AND THE OTHER PARAGRAPHS BECAUSE I HAVE THOS QUESTIONS MANY DAYS-MONTHS.... WHERE CAN I FIND THOSE FILES? I DON'T WANT READY PACKS, I JUST WANT SOME PROJECT THAT I HAVE TO COMPILE AND CONFIGURE THEM WITH MY OWN WAY KNOWING C++. IS THIS TRUE AND IF YES WHERE CAN I FIND THOS BASIC FILES? IF NOT, HOW CAN I WORK ON L2OFF DEVELOPING? I HOPE YOU HELP ME AND DON'T DO ME THE CLEVER BOYS THAT YOU KNOW EVERYTHING AND I MUST LEARN THE SAME THINGS... HELP ME TO THOSE QUESTIONS PLEASE... Thnx :)
  10. Προφανώς! xD Έχει πολύ καιρό που έκανα post και ακόμα με την απορία έμεινα... Είναι οι μεγαλύτερες απορίες μου για l2off και χωρίς τις απαντήσεις (τις οποίες δεν βρίσκω) δεν θα μπορέσω να πάω και παρακάτω. :/
  11. Geia sas paidia, Exw merikes apories kai tha to ektimousa an tha borousate na me help.. Stn arxh ta paratisa me l2off gt dn eixa oute arketi ipostiri3h oute arketes gnwseis.. Telika katafera na katalavw ta pada gia l2java asxolithika polu katalava pos doulevei, to mono p dn ekana htan na mathw kla Java apo tn stigmh p dn skopevw na stisw enan sovaro l2java server kai stoxos m einai o l2off. Ithela lpn arxika na sas anaferw c poio epipedo eimai.. Exw 3ekinisei prosfata tn ekmanthisi ths programmatistikhs glwssas C++ exwdas idi gnwseis ce alles glwsses... Twra stoxos m einai na ginw l2off developer eimai pl apofasizmenos na mathw ta pada gia c++ kai l2off developing.. Epishs katanohsa to pws akrivws kai ti xreiazete gia na leitourgisei enas l2off server. To provlima tora einai (h aporia mallon) pws opws stn l2java dn prp na doulepsw panw ce kapoio project kai na to metaglwtisw(compile) opws thelw egw? Dn mou apadane ploi ce auth tn erothsh kai oi perissoteroi mou lene mathe c++ kai tha katalaveis.. As poume omws re paidia oti ematha c++.. Ti thelete na mou peite: oti egw dld prp na programmatisw to l2 apo tn arxh gia na to kanw opws egw thelw?? Dn exei logikh auto to prama.. E3hgiste mou c poia project tha doulepsw.. Dld ta arxeia ths java einai mia metaglwtish twn prototipwn kai ta ftiaxnei o kathenas me ta dika tou gousta kai tis dikes tou rithimiseis kai configurations.. Ston c++ logika ta arxeia opws gnwrizw einai klemena apo tn NCsoft kanonika ara iparxoun kapoia project ta opoia boroume na kanoume compile opws theloume emeis gnwrizodas c++. AUTA TA ARXEIA POU BOROUME NA TA BROUME? DN THELW ETOIMA PACK THELW PROJECT TA OPOIA THA KANW COMPILE ME TN DIKO M TROPO GNWRIZWDAS TN C++. ISXIEI KATI TETEIO KAI AN NAI POU THA TO VRW? AN OXI TOTE PWS BORW NA DOULEPSW PANW STO L2OFF DEVELOPING ANAPTISWDAS TIS GNWSEIS M PADA STHN C++ ??? Egw skopevw na mathw l2off developing gia pollous logous toso gia oikonomikous oso kai gia na stisw enan sovaro server. Elpizw na voithisete kai na eiste poio katanohtoi auth tn fora kai oxi na mou kanete tous e3ypnous kai egw na psaxnomai... Euxaristw!! :)
  12. pl oraio to post einai kati pou pragmatika a3izei sto section kai tha voithisei kai exei idi boithisei pollous.. apla exw mia aporia pou elpizw na boreic na mou tn liseis alliws tha rotisw sto english section... As poume oti estisa tn database mou meta gia na kanw ola ta configurationos opws dika m NPC, enchant colours, names, starting spawn, starting items, klp tha prp na ta kanw ola mesw tis database kai diaforwn arxeiwn mesw txt?? Exw ebeiria c l2java server kai exw mia aporia p sisxetizetai ligo me l2java: Ta arxeia gia tn server ginete na ta progammatisoume emeis kai na kanoume tn metaglwtissh apo sigekrimenous metaglotistes? (compilers) Auto to lew me vash to java gt egw prosfata arxisa na eimai C++ developer kai sinexizw na mathainw c++ oxi mono gia l2 alla gia arketous logous mono p dn 3erw poia vasima project tha xrisimopoihsw gia na to kanw auto... ama tha borouse kaneic ligo help.. euxaristw kai me auto to post mas eswses.... xD
  13. nc share omws prp na to eides apo to youtube. tecpa oraia h prospatheia s exw programmatisei kai egw se c++ kati paromoio alla dn to ekana share
  14. Paidia eixa kanei arxika to pack m me to l2server alla ipir3an kapoia problhmata stn poreia kai argotera diavasa apo ena topic tou coyote oti to kltro project gia IL einai to l2jfree. Tecpa to etoimasa ekana bug fix k.lp kai opws kai sto l2jserver to project etsi kai sto l2jfree sto datapack exei to build kai to kanc compile eukola kai grigora. To gameserver omws dn exei auto to build... Epsa3a ligo kai vrika ena topic p leei na to kanoume me to mavel : http://www.insomnia.gr/topic/229300-%CE%BF%CE%B4%CE%B7%CE%B3%CF%8C%CF%82%CF%80%CF%8E%CF%82-%CE%BD%CE%B1-%CE%BA%CE%AC%CE%BD%CE%B5%CF%84%CE%B5-compile-%CF%84%CE%B1-l2j-sources/ Omws sto teleutaio vhma p kanoume build to gameserver pada mou vgazei error. Koita3te pws to kanw vhma vhma kai elpizw na me voithisete: 1) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/600/26620975.png/ 2) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/263/60719713.png/ 3) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/12/52332920.png/ 4) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/508/76566965.png/ 5) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/37/97026844.png/ 6) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/862/99610967.png/ Parakalw h voitheia sas einai polutimh gt alliws dn borw na paw parakatw... Euxaristw :)
  15. Hi guys, if you have the time read this topic: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28058.0 A big thnx to Vago for his work. Now what i want is to add some pvp limits to his code. What i mean is: the player obtains the reward only if he reaches 300 pvp (p.ex). After he take the gift again start counting other 300 pvp points to take the reward. NOTE: In the above example what i mean is p.ex if the players reached 600 pvp poiints tha means tha he took 2 rewards (300 pvp ponts + 300 pvp points) or (1 gift + 1 gift). After the gift the player don't looses his pvp points he just takes the gift. I started java developing some days ago so i am really new to do something like this but i keep learning in order to success. But for right now i would like to have some experts' help. I hope you understood. Thnx!!
  16. excellent share but could you share with us item rewards after a limit of pvps? I mean if a player achieves 500 pvps then he automatically takes an ITEM reward. Anyway nc post!!!
  17. There with the item reward it would be better to have an item reward after a pvp limit. What i mean is if a player is good at PvPs then p.ex after 500 pvp wins he obtains a gift item. Then when he reaches again 500 more pvps then again gift. How to do that? I hope you will take my suggestion into consideration. Anyway, nc share!!!
  18. euxaristw pl gia tn uposthri3h! anakoufistika gia tn apadhsh sou sthn 3h erothsh.
  19. thnx man nc share!
  20. man really thnk you nc share and it works perfectlly! But i deleted it because i use simple buffers and i buffs like POW and POF are important this is my server's feature. :S Anyway good share! ;)
  21. thnx man nc share!
  22. meta apo ola auta mallon tha protimisw l2j. Oxi oti thewrw pws oi l2j einai kaliteroi protimw 1000 fores perissotero l2off kai opws eipa parapanw paizw se l2off xronia kai katalavainw to poso geroi einai gt exw prospathisei ekatommuria fores na perasw to protection k.lp alla tpt. tecpa kai o l2j kalos einai isws ama kataferw kai vgalw merika lefta apo enan l2j na katsw na asxolhthw kapoia stigmh me l2off. euxaristw gia thn upostirhksh sas! :)
  23. oraios odhgos me voithise para pl gt c l2off eimai teleiws noob! xD
  24. i know that a pack costs but what i want is making the pack. I told you that i know from c++ but the problem is that i want something like datapack to make my own custom modifications.
  25. Hello guys, after some days of search i finally understood what a l2off server is and diffrences of l2off and l2j. Now what i want is learning to compile my own l2off pack. I read that it made at c++ and this is good because i know c/c++ programming but i don't know what files i must compile in order to make my final pack. What is want is something like this: http://svn.l2jserver.com/branches/ But this link is for l2j and it is compiled with eclipse. I don't worry about c++ compilers because i have the knowledge about that. If you want give me your own c++ compiler recommendations but the most important of all is something like the link above but for l2off and not for l2j. I hope you take my questions into consideration. Thnx!
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