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Everything posted by szpicu
hehe try to do it on l2OFF , no way man
19 Symptoms that you are playing L2 too much
szpicu replied to Raigon's topic in General Discussion [English]
i trully have sympthom number 13. -
i had glad hero my own, was female :)
How much Lineage 2 has gotten expanded? Maps!
szpicu replied to Lain's topic in General Discussion [English]
impressive -
What is that you dont like on Kamael,HB,Gracia 1,2,3 ?
szpicu replied to ZaNteR's topic in General Discussion [English]
i personally dont like the damn windows graphics in past chronicles, itherlude interface was much better -
magnus for farm, pow for pvp
depends if the server got stackmasterys, if yes than go for wc/destro warlock/hawkeye and if server got no stack-masterys go for tank/mage example is tk/sps, it fukin pwnz
you pk your clanleaders? :D
Who Is The Best Dagger Class For Interlude?
szpicu replied to mVecAtoR's topic in General Discussion [English]
daggers suck big time in interlude, wanna play dagger? play in gracia i guess -
[Discussion]How many times have you been hero.
szpicu replied to DreaM's topic in General Discussion [English]
every server i played i was hero , like 25times i guess -
C4 is way too old, gracia rulz
Xp Grounds.(Usefull on low rate)
szpicu replied to ¤FunkyCobra¤'s topic in General Discussion [English]
1-10 gremlins 10-20 swampland 20-35 cruma marshlands 35-40 cruma tower 40-52 dragon valley 52-61 oel mahums near oren / pavel ruins inside on the slow golems 61-72 vos 72-76 varka/hs/ketra 76-81 IT 81+ Hellbound -
didnt knew that possible, nice one
Are you haveing problem with queen ant ? Raid curses ? You dont have enough people to kill it ? Read it. This tutorial is a legal way how to kill queen ant alone and get the ring without problems. [Hidden Content] One more thing before i start, it only looks like "SO HARD TO DO", belive me its not, do it twice and u will be able to repeat whole operation including picking up the drops in 15 minutes like a rutine. STAGE 1 : Prepare the Ant Queen Room. First of all, take all the characters u will want to use to a spot, not near the Guard ants becouse you will get fostilized or Raid Curse. Take your tank and go to mob named Queen Ant Larva (Its a bit deeper, at the end of the room behind queen ant), do not touch any other mobs or u will get Cursed. Target the larva and use agression skill. Now Larva will follow you, remember to ignore all other mobs. Lure the larva far away, behind the water and a little bit more, DO NOT HIDE LARVA BEHIND THE WALLS becouse Ant Nurses wont be able to get there. Now, if u did everything ok start hiting the larva with non grade sword (you cant do huge dmg, small dmg is perfect). You will notice that Ant Nurses are healing the larva. Take your dwarf/th and take ALL of the mobs near queen ant, just clean the room, make the huge train of Gaurd Ants and let them follow you (do not cross the water or ants will get ported back to their spot, You cant hit any of those ants or you will get fostilized and cursed). When u collected all the ants, go to the palce where Queen Ant Larva spawned (the place where u took her from) than move to the wall and use fake death few times. The Ants will stuck there. Now, if u did everything correctly, in the big room is standing only Queen Ant and "Royal Guard Ants" Royal guard ants are really strong, they will take down your orc in 5 shots so here u need a Highlevel char, take the bow and hit one of them, than run, after like 1-5 seconds u will get fostilized, thats ok, dont worry. Just wait till the fostilize end and take the Royal Guards far away, to the second room of the Ant Nest counting from beggenning, Royal Guard ants wont get teleported so dont worry, just take them really far away, but not too far. Now hit them once agein and they fostilize you one more time so them will be not able to kill you. [NOTICE: Sometimes the royal guards are trying to go back to Ant Queen when u start to hit it with your orc but dont worry, the royal guards will stack on the wall, just remember to hit them each time raid fostilize ends]. Good job, stage 1 completed. STAGE 2 : Killing Queen Ant Before you start, on some servers if you wear a s grade weapon on 40lvl char it just decrease accurancy, so in this case put Heavens divider or any other two handed sword weapon u have and check the difference of atk.speed , if it takes a lot atk.speed , use C grade, if it only decrease your accurancy, use the s grade. Wear a Plated Leather set if u got one. Add Dye +4 STR -5CON,Take some hp potions, Elixir of life would be nice also. If everything is done correctly in Queen Ant room is only the raid boss, no other mobs, Ant healers are healing the larva while your tank is hitting her, Royal Guards are far away on your highlevel char. Buff you orc with vampiric chant, dance of vampire and as ugly fullbuff as u are able to. Low your HP and get near your Queen Ant, use frenzy+Rage+Battle Roar and start killing the raid, it will take at least 10 minutes before u kill it(2 frenzys), depends on buffs u have. While there is not other mobs, u can get there with your Prophet and pof urself when it ends, u wont get fostilized anymore. When u finish, pick up your drops, go make another Orc or the delevel current one and repeat whole action tomorrow, Queen Ant respawn is around 16-26 hours so u can farm it everyday. REMEMBER TO (VERY IMPORTANT) : 1.MOST IMPORTANT : You need to figure it out on your own, when the nurses hit larva, they might come back to heal queen ant if they are too close the raid, if that happens u will need to start once more time. So before you start check if the healers got a good distance and all 3 are healing the larva. 2.When Queen Ant does not have any guards, boss gonna hit you back with not that bad attack speed so, dont let the boss kill your orc or u will need to rebuff. 3.Remember to check each 2 minutes to your highlevel char what got the royal guard ants , u cant let it die, each time the fostilize end, hit the royal guards back. [/hide] TESTED on 6-7 L2OFF Interlude/Kamael servers. Status : Working
Even if quest "Four Goblets" doesnt work (i guessing u mean that) you can pass the doors and box is inside, just try
[Hidden Content]
[Share] OrC facE editeD.>> VampiriC mode: ON =D
szpicu replied to K4rMa's topic in Client Development Discussion
ahahaha n1 -
[Hidden Content]
nice wallpapers 2nd one is on my deskop already
No Dbuff when u get more then 24 buffs
szpicu replied to Philipe's topic in Hacks & Cheats [English]
doesnt works on my server -
this wont work at any server i guess
Read correctly You cant summon inside one of each sepulchers, u summon outside, than enter with strider, than Accept summon with the char what have been summoned. It works on almost EVERY l2off servers.
what part of it you dont understand ?, this method gives you an access to unlimited raid bosses what drop draconic armors, ic, ma, draco bow, as, eas beas ews bews etc etc etc
[Hidden Content] EDIT : TESTED ON : L2Phoenix L2OFF L2DarkSide L2OFF L2Frintezza L2OFF L2Survival L2OFF L2Rapture L2OFF