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Everything posted by szpicu

  1. gotcha, thx move + close
  2. Listen, topic says "for Expirienced", if u have no idea, dont post, if u want say "check if u dont have 2 crystals in inventory" dont post eighter... im not arrogant, im telling you that post like this is attempt to insult. Look what i mentioned in first post "no senceless answers" and this is wrong section ? This is not CRY-FOR-HELP topic.
  3. When u already have crystal in inventory than different html appear, read whole topic, i mentioned to do not post senceless answers.
  4. i dont know if u ever tryed make script for leveling crystals, i do and there is some kind of game bug i guess lets say the bot stuck on : dont tell me something like "omg u wrong rewrited" or "there must be a single letter wrong" or "u cant take crystal when u already have one in inventory" trust me, i was looking at the sentence for 1 hour in script file and in the game and its perfectly the same so what is wrong than ?
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