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Everything posted by B1ggBoss

  1. find wherever the player get ported to the throne and replace with: 1) A teleport to the waiting room (you have to add the coords of each castle for such position) 2) Once teleported inside: a) There are no players inside: schedule a teleport of the players inside. On teleported inside that zone, they are added into a list which the scheduled executor takes to teleport players b) Theres players alredy: add the player into the list
  2. the launcher is done in that way to avoid all third party scripts for the server :P, but i have to create a enough secure and hard to bypass
  3. true lol, the size must be aroud 400x300 Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  4. Hi guys, i have been searching for a nice gif image at google about l2, but couldnt find a nice one. If anyone got some, could you share it with me? Thanks
  5. you must be sure that attacker is a pet or a summon
  6. you have to increase the java heap memory size for that process (gameserver) min heap size = Xms max heap size = Xmx you can find those parameters by opening startGameServer.bat with notepad and be sure your ram isnt full when you run gameserver
  7. its not possible to put any amount different from 1 when the item isnt stackable
  8. make the skill that gives noblesse blessing as pasive, and then, add it into armor -> find the tiara -> add the skill in the skill column with the format skillid-skilllevel;
  9. probably, you are adding it on EnterWorld find L2PcInstance activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); and make it like final L2PcInstance activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar();
  10. on enter to server: activeChar.disableAllSkills(); long delay = 60000; //in millis ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { activeChar.enableAllSkills(); } }, delay);
  11. red name color for pks is hardcoded in client and appear once a server send the packet to the client containing the karma info. You can try to set the name color to white and send again the packet after player gain karma
  12. seriously, that code its an example of what is NOT efficiency
  13. erase this: if(Config.DEBUG) e.printStackTrace();
  14. First of all: GS wont start if C3P0 does not exist (will throw an error and will end abnormally) didnt understood the question clarify, but here we go: check if the library exists: try { File mainjar = new File("l2jserver.jar"); String libpath = mainjar.getAbsolutePath().split("gameserver")[0]; File c3p0 = new File(libpath + "lib/c3p0jarname.jar"); return c3p0.exists(); } catch(Exception e) { } return false; check if any class inside c3p0 exists: try { Class<?> func = Class.forName("package.path.here"); Object obj = func.newInstance(); return obj != null; } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { } return false;
  15. go to ColorNameManager.java find the method called public static void loadValues() at the end of the method (before the last " } " ), add the code i posted
  16. nop, theres an unclosed connecton in my code. go to ColorNameManager.loadValues and at the botton of the method add try{ if(con != null) con.close(); } catch(Exception e){ if(Config.DEBUG) e.printStackTrace(); }
  17. People like you GoDofAdeN (you can all those people leechers, brainless, stealz0rs, newbies and so on) shouldnt be download and/or use any L2J emulator
  18. player.getInventory().unEquipItemInSlot(int slot) You can get all slots numbers from com.l2jserver.gameserver.itemcontainer.Inventory (they are final int fields) you may need to broadcast char & userinfo
  19. useless and senseless guide, like all other i saw. You wont make ppl learn java language with a post, nor event with 20
  20. that event was added to the l2official server in gracia final release
  21. this event runs in fantasy isle, and it was added in kamael, so, obiusly, it wont work at il
  22. compare with and applying changes to your project. Those sites where you added custom mods there will be sync problems, so you will have to add it manually, which means, remove the lines preceeded by - in the l2j diff, and add the lines preceeded by +
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