hahaha Rock u nab :)) U joined in 2011 and u have one post. I lost your Skype, send me a pm here with a way to contact you.
on topic.
yesterday i tried it and only jerked around in the high farm areas. i think is a good pack. maybe mages not so strong but this is something to check for admins.
So wtf happened to this server after-all?
version 1 :
some of the gm s took over the project and messed it up?
version 2:
server got ''hacked'' because stalonka had passwords from his own db?
version 3:
this sorin guy that have the files had a backdoor to get gm access?
version 4:
you tell me pls wtf happened because is too confusing :))
Dude, idk what u talk about there but Heopas is like Jesus against DDoS ers... Before him no one had 1 split of a chance (except WoA because they have a pro network dev).
+999 Kudos to Heopas and please dont bring him into shit, hes on the good side, in fact he is the good side ;)