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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. ta configs ftaine tou login kai tou game server alakse apo localhost se
  2. hi i downloaded this buffer and i use Gracia Epilogue of L2j project http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=81803.0 in place witch is when a player creates a scheme without typing NOTHING in it leaves an error database connection in game server [all this started cause the "main" shows problem in gs server while trying to go "back" and i tryed to disapear it] i thing this is the right to close the connection but i cant use it cause i am new in this section or programming can somone help me find a solution? thnx in advance
  3. otan ekanes uninstall tin sql meta ekanes ksana install tin db i restore?
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=145109.0 i diafora me ton epilogue einai to svn pou tha kaneis check.. tipota parapanw.
  5. logika exeis valei kapio noumero pou ksepernaei to orio...
  6. sta custom tha ipologiseis [PX] an valeis ena kainourio set armor pou na dinei 1000 def olo to set vale ena tatoo pou na dinei 400 atack perisotero prospathise na katalaveis monos sou to ti vazeis kai apo defence kai apo offence edw i moni voithia pou mporeis na vreis einai tou tupou "pws" na ta kaneis oxi "auto" tha kaneis (opos les gia x100) elpizw na katalaves
  7. an einai core to code (pirinas) pernas mono ena arxeio l2jserver.jar px meta to compile to kaneis copy sto server an einai database kai xeirokeinita ama goustareis ama einai datapack an to peraseis apo panw svineis px to config.cfg ara an eixes kapion npc mesa paei gia na min kaneis tin idia douleia kane antigrafi to arxeio pou egine i alagh den thelei kopo tropo thelei ;) hope it helps
  8. diavases ti lew pio panw? tou les na kanei ta idia me ton odigo pou ide... prospathiste na katalavete tin diafora tou na anoigeis ports sto lan sou apo to na anoigeis ports gia to INTERNET!
  9. i agree but some one whos down of the "required medium" in developing did you thing is better with some ready fixes the other 2 ?
  10. Hi Just Asking for my friend. i would like to know why also. and make conversation if is possible i hope i am in the right place to do this. thnx
  11. to guide auto dixnei pws na anoikseis ta port tou firewall sou oxi tou router sou... tha pas stin portforward.com tha deis pos anoigeis to router sou kai meta tha psakseis edw tis port an anoiksan http://canyouseeme.org/ poloi tin patane giati den iparxei kapio swsto guide...
  12. analoga ti thes na valeis...
  13. auto tha itan poli kalo gia ksekinima file mou na pareis mia "idea" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86
  14. to na vreis to sql i na dimiourgiseis ena trapezi me to navicat sou einai diskolo? :/ eleos lipon psakse CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pvp_color_nick` ( `pvppk_count` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `color` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, `type` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`color`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; svise auto apo katw INSERT INTO `pvp_color_nick` (`pvppk_count`, `color`, `type`) VALUES -- PvP Colors (50, 'CCFF99', 'pvp'), (100, 'CCCC99', 'pvp'), (150, '663300', 'pvp'), (200, 'FF3333', 'pvp'), (250, 'FF0000', 'pvp'), -- PK Colors (50, 'CCFFFF', 'pk'), (100, '9999FF', 'pk'), (150, '6666FF', 'pk'), (200, '3333FF', 'pk'), (250, '0000FF', 'pk'); kane save kane excecute to sql kai meta perase ta noumera me to xeri...monos sou auto einai otan sou lene kanta me to xeri kai to na dimiourgiseis to table opos auto ginete pali me to xeri ...psakse ligo giati me voithia apo alous tha kaneis ton xeirotero server...
  15. kai twra pou ekanes edit eksigeis kalitera o albert ainstain eipe to simpan kai i anthrwpini ilithiothta einai apeira... mantepse gia pio den itan sigouros http://l2jserver.com/svn/trunk/L2_GameServer/lib/'>http://l2jserver.com/svn/trunk/L2_GameServer/lib/ sou edwsa auto ok? an sviseis trunk/L2_GameServer/lib/ auto tote mas menei auto http://l2jserver.com/svn/
  16. twra i mas koroideveis i .... as mi pw compile kaneis?l2j eipes ara kati san auto as poume tha se voithisei logika e? http://l2jserver.com/svn/trunk/L2_GameServer/lib/ einai kati paromoio me to post tou MixMasteR min peis "den vrika" ...pali
  17. //admin -> char -> list -> charname -> addskills lew egw twra...
  18. tha xreiastei kai rebuild ta html logika giati apo oti eida exei icons tha sou parei kana 2writses an ksereis pou ti kai pws aliws vres mia gk gia epilogue 3-4 lepta ipothesh oso asxetos kai na eisai ante na kaneis kai to edit 10-15 lepta na kai mia kalh http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=147289.0 px ...
  19. einai aplo gia na valeis pvp prepei na to kaneis apo java meria opote kalo tha itan na "spataliseis" kapio xrono na matheis kapia vasika pragmata opos to na pernas ena etoimo code ... den sou eipame na dimiourgiseis sou edwsa etoimo code eleos diladi
  20. egw proteinw na paratisei gia ligo kairo to adminiliki me ton server na mathei kapia vasika pragmata gia to pc tou prwta... opos ta 32bit systems kai ta 64bit as mas pei prwta ti system exei kai tha xreiastei to analogo jdk giati ekei mirizomai tin douleia to "den diavazei merika pragmata sta 64bit kai den mporei na mpei o xaraktiras" den mou leei apolitws tpt ...
  21. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NKL43A4O Credits:BigBoss exw kanei edit to sql alaksa to klidi apo to pvp count sto color gia na mporeis na vazeis idia pvp counts tespa doulevei comple ;)
  22. sto loop.sh des an kanei swsto restart
  23. hi i passed ctf but i have an error :D when the time comes to spawn the npc it does not and i have error in gs error says "CTF Engine[spawnEventNpc(exception: null" but announcments still continue pack l2j epilogue latest ctf engine copyed from l2open source
  24. offtopick alla pethana sto gelio me ton coyote!!!xa00xaxa0xa0xa0xa0xa0xa0ax0ax0ax0xa0xa0xaxa parakolouthw arketes meres to topic (apo otan egine) diskola na ginei kati
  25. i am blind or link dont exist?
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