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Everything posted by orbk

  1. this is gonna be great game i wish the time will pass faster
  2. 2011? dame i have to wait so long, they better make its something amazing more than any mmorpg game!!!
  3. Crysis Warhead run better the old crysis my computer run it on high about 18 FPS and in the old one it was about 6-10 FPS that was crazy at rezolution 1024X768 they made a great job about the preformmence at this game but the new one too short :(
  4. the game looks good, i might try this when it comes out thanks
  5. i can't wait t c the game!!!
  6. Far cry 2, come on i want this game!!! i wait almost 2 years for this game and soon so soon it's coming!
  7. thanks dude, i can use this on gracia?
  8. i dont like games like that kind but after its look pretty funny to play it
  9. orbk

    Game list

    wowowowow soooo many games, i knew ony about 15 of all the games shown here that crazy how many games out there. thanks for the pist man
  10. hmm i think that pretty stupid qution, the site can closed any time or stay open for years we cant know it
  11. at the past i was sitting between 6-12 hours per day but it was crazy and than i stopped use the computer for some season, but right now i use the computer for 4 hours per day at the maximum
  12. nice trick, iv seen that before and even use it for hiding files like sex movies =D
  13. prison break.... dame i like this tv show!!! but i have to say season 3 wasn't good but they came out now with 4 that bombing us!
  14. i know that already, thats not actually max your speed its just make the browser more faster
  15. nice one i'll give a try, but thats not mmorpg game watch your words next time
  16. nice tut for beginners tnx man! i think you need to show them more trick like brushes. like you can take the brush and make many paints with multipale kind of brushes in diffrent color(usual better colors like the picture you choose) than delet some of the brushes with brush and in the end you get intersting background.
  17. COD4!!!! rules!!! CS sux...at least before COD4 came out he was fun for times to times
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