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Everything posted by mogo

  1. http://www.l2dcproject.com/l2dc-linux-server-guide/
  2. Don't delete, just update. UPDATE items SET count = 1000 WHERE item_Id = 5535 AND count > 5000
  3. http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Linksys/DD-WRT_v24-SP2/L2J.htm
  4. Search for subclipse plugin for eclipse or tortoise SVN.
  5. Yup, the UserInfo packet does not have support for that.
  6. Linux and windows is not ALMOST the same thing. It IS the same thing - an operating system. Although both of them are working in a completely different way. I'd compare them like an manual transmission with overdrive vs automatic transmission - each driver chooses depending on the needs ;)
  7. Which is probably the easiest thing compared to what problems you have when you run a live server with more than 7 people playing.
  8. Ok, but the sad reality is that the biggest part of l2 player passwords are not longer that 8 symbols and do not have any upper-case letters or special symbols... And that they are not salted :/
  9. http://ik.su.lt/~mogo/l2j/ these might help you. Pm if you need the sources.
  10. If you use eclipse just hit ctrl+shift+t and enter useitem there. It'll automatically find and open the class for you
  11. Okay, if it compiles and does not throw any runtime errors, there should be a problem in the "logic" somewhere. You need to find which part does not act like it is intended do. One of the simplest ways to do that is printing out a message to the logs on almost each step. Something like this: It should be all daisies and rainbows after you find the "broken" part
  12. http://www.l2dcproject.com/l2dc-linux-server-guide/ here's a good start
  13. Yeah let me find my crystal orb so i can see what error you get...
  14. If class/function/variable names are making no sense, it means that the code has been obfuscated. Thats a commonly used technique against decompiling.
  15. You already get a list of party members, why do you want another one, which is in a loop that iterates through all members anyway?
  16. For the random access level, begin here: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Random.html
  17. Okay so, as i guess, you've removed some comments, some empty lines and maybe some curly braces where they're not needed. Surprise - that does not optimise anything, nor does the code become mystically "safer".
  18. L2party class has getMemberCount method, that simply returns the size of party member list. Have fun...
  19. Hey, the answer is pretty legit actually. Much better than i've seen in similar forums for a while now. So welcome to maxcheaters and happy hunting for a team :) if anyone is looking for a team member, consider him. He looks like 'that guy' who might shine from the ashes if you ask me.
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