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Everything posted by NaMiNe

  1. Ton dikomasa,gamaei :d nice share
  2. FILE DLD TI NA PW!TA buttons zamane!!!!Ekana kati mikro allages se merika html alla san arxiko me porwse!!!100 thx/dokimasmeno kai egkrimeno:P
  3. Tha kanw mia pontia erwthsh...kserw apo phx alla auto den to ksera...meta auto 8elei kai LS>?h ginete entelws auto?kai apla allazei ta status tou ths ls pou idi exeis...?
  4. off topic - xaxaxa kalo,(=exeis balei oti na nai ena noumero gia hide posts,oxi 50 100,63 eleoc:P)
  5. re Sub den exw xrono gia 350 posts,kane to ena msg kai steilto m plzzz;P
  6. Kalo alla stous pio pollous server pia to teleport exei mhdamino cost opote den xreiazete,alla pantws douleuei:)
  7. Panarxaio kai xalia gt se pianoun eukolo,alla gia noobakia kalo einai,auto to post exei ginei aphres fores,alla den 8a se krinw egw!;P Epipleon MoDuL wraios tropos re:D:D
  8. Koita eida mono page 1 kai page 5,den einai bug opws lene kai oi alloi,trick pes sto title isws,an kai den exei nohma to topic,epipleon den 8elei na kaneis dances :S:S:S
  9. Re den nomizw oti pianei...To eixa dokimasei se merikous servers kai apla den m ta edixne na ta valw invetory
  10. Ama breis kai ena bug gia grhgoro exp ok tote na pw oti aksizei,alla gia server pou exoun custom mob 80 lvl GAMAEI :D nice re Zero*
  11. RE file!Sorry kai olas,alla den aksizei to topic,poso mallon gia 50 post hide!Kantw delete plzzz..:S Pio pina8ano na piasei to enchant script me wh para auto :S
  12. To gemisate me off topic eleoc! xD,ama 8es omws na mpaineis se kastra des auto edw http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=65424.0 credits to me :D
  13. Edw einai ena analutiko bug me to phx,para polu analutiko :) Credits to me,gia osous den 8eloun na katevasoun auto :S http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=65424.0
  14. Hi filoi m!Auto einai aplo fun made!Alla variomoun kai eipa na gelasoume Gia na exeis oti item 8es oso to 8es ston L][Core einai para polu aplo filoi m ;) i)Ftiaxneis ena msn me onoma koritsiou...[px. Maraki1991@windowslive.com] ii)Kaneis add ton Pigaso pou einai o admin tou L][Core (msn mesa sta Donation Info tou server) iii)Meta pas Hi5 kataprwtimhsh briskeis ena koritsi wraio kai perneis merikes fotos ths kai tis bazeis sto msn sou iv)Meta tou milas kai tou thn psulopeuteis tou mlk!!! :P v)San zwo pou einai thn pataei,kai sou dinei oti 8eleis 8) vi)Einai dokimasmeno eixa parei sh lvl 1 kai +30 db Elpizw na sas arese to topic! Kante me add na gelame me ton Pigaso [ Darkylos@hotmail.com ]
  15. An ennoeis me phx pou anoigei tis portes mono gia sena exw kanei egw post...kai kanoniko oxi san auto :S
  16. Egw psaxnw psaxnw,,,kl re man to link pou einai oeo???
  17. kalo re c...einai pio eukolo apo ta alla pou mperdeuoun ta newbies
  18. stefouli mou se agapw :P sinexise etc re pedi
  19. filos shift kai click sto gm SHOP....Meta sta lists psa3e to list kai apo ekei alazeis tis times.So easy
  21. exo l2j archid ..re Patisa shift kai mlkies alla den exei pouthena gia to respawn time S0z..
  22. man tell me your msn to help u
  23. death tell me YOUR Msn.TO Help u Here in topic
  24. ee gia sas pedia ithela na rotisw kati kserete apo pou akrivos akrivos alazo to respawn time apo 1 pc [PARADIGMA ....Apo to gremlin ph] .....tha me helparate poli :D ty
  25. ........to kserw oti an tin doulepseis mporeis.alla DEN ime ego o hoster tou srtv kai etc den exo ton xrono na ta kanw ola auta...gi auto tha ithela mia etimi :P
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