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Everything posted by big_boy3100

  1. thats not possible
  2. damn i just need 30 to get to see this
  3. can u mae it for 30 post pls
  4. what customs u have on it?
  5. use l2file edit for that
  6. why u need the text for?
  7. dont use these programs what kind of players are u ?
  8. thanks to u mt sv is better
  9. nice job - i would really like to know how u made that banner
  10. omg this post is golike ty alot !!!!!!!!!!!
  11. yea man thats very nice ! good job but more security apps would be good
  12. i have down some ally+crest images and i dont know how to separate them . i have windows 7 and it doesent work with paint (its a new version) and i dont know how to do it with photoshop pls help me
  13. omg !!! :o :o :ois that real ??? its wonderfullll
  14. ty man your post was very informative !
  15. tyy dont really understand it but nice work ! :D
  16. there is also the command ALT+G for admins and shift click on player
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