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Everything posted by mody405

  1. it works very well for me !! tnx =)
  2. it doesn't work for me , i set config to # Html Patch for Your Vote Site # Works with HopZone/HopZones/TopZone and other HopZone Like ServerNameForVotes = ... <-- I Put my Server Name VoteHtmlPatch = http://l2topzone.com/lineage2/server-info/4...html <-- i Put my Server page on topzone.. VoteReward1Count = 1000 VoteReward2Count = 1000 VoteReward1Id = 57 VoteReward2Id = 57 VotesForReward = 1 #Max amount of reward items that you want to stop reward #the player that have more than "MaxRewardCountForStack". MaxRewardCountForStackItem1 = 2000000000 MaxRewardCountForStackItem2 = 2000000000 #DelayForNextReward in seconds DelayForNextReward = 600 but it always show in console getLastVoteCount : 0 newVoteCount : 0 and votes never increase however i vote in site !! Any ideas ? xD
  3. im searching a long time for nice complete, stable and working PACK ... i would pay you 50euro via paypal.... send me all your offers thanks Ice
  4. Thank you for your good comments. # System folder updated ... ==================== --- PvP Item Settings --- ==================== # New PvP-Battle Shop Spawned in Giran. # Use Gold Dragon (Droped By RaidBosses) and Bloody Pa'agrio To Buy PvP-Battle Items.
  5. Hello dear player! We are Overworking the concept on our server ! The first one was crap we are sorry! But now its your turn! We are focusing on your mind! Say us how you want the server look like and we will do what we can do! these things are sure! -Server ONLY S GRADE support! -Rates goin to be x100 x100 x100 -PVP and Farm zone will be ELVEN FORTRESS So Help us to get the server more atractiv! thank you
  6. When i try to save File armorgp.dat , it say Cannot open new-armorgrp.dar or something like that anyone got any idea ? :D
  7. just write me at msn j4ckq0t@hotmail.de starting new L2 Project searching DEV.... just pm me ! or mail me in msn cya
  8. L2fly.eu :)
  9. Hello guys... hope you can help me.... some people enchant skills and get by 1 book +30 ! or they enchant Earth on a skill for example Deadly blow +earth and then it goes +15 !"! i checked all files but i couldnt find anything ! Hope you can help me asap. thanks
  10. It´s because you are new and with + 0 stuff without any attribute. there are many player who got alrdy some attribute and enchants. also they have noblesse Q and some Clan Skills. they have enchantet skills also. First of all i give u a Tipp. Lvl up first. there are many clans who help to farm in partys to farm faster+easier. also you can farm on your own. its possible even if its not that fast. you reach your S grade in 1hour. its easy. I hope i could help you for the reason you think its unbalanced. I worked on all classes, step by step. they are mostly balanced. even if its not 100% but mostly they all are balanced. Just post your problems on the FORUMS and we will work on it to be the best. and Kiefer. if you dont want to Join us. just leave! Thank you guys. your lineage2 Fly team.
  11. Im doing my best. Server changed the way you wanted guys. How i can say? Give us a second chance and you will stay im sure. thank you!
  12. LOL Just go in game and type //spawn santa hahaha :D its alrdy in all packs ;) enjoy..
  13. wow , its amazing :D
  14. its not working in windows se7en :(
  15. On my laptop 2x 2,4GHZ i can open the Gracia final Client 32 Times and can browse also the youtube for funny vids without any problems. aham.. but the cooler is crying like hell :) but thats all ;D
  16. WTF Guys Start playing on l2fly.eu ! and keep your head up L2 Will never die !
  17. Gracia final had the most i ever noticed all my life :)
  18. perfect for PVP = 100x
  19. i prefer Passive on mages :D
  20. Adventurer OFC :D :P SPS
  21. NOPE, wrong ! no s80 :-) It was just wrong alert ;)
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