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Everything posted by DAVC

  1. DAVC

    MySql help

    any can tell me how can this fix? http://www.image-share.com/ipng-602-65.html
  2. any know any good tactic ( build ) for fast growing population like in 1days 40-50populations
  3. DAVC

    Guild Wars 2

    any know smting new about gw2?
  4. Lord of War Pearl Harbor Gladiator Armageddon Robin Hood
  5. i buying new Xbox 360 250GB Unboxing maybe any know can i allready play pirate games or i need frst unlock whit new firmware iXtreme 1.1 ?
  6. DAVC

    Guild Wars 2

    any know anything new about guild wars 2 wich time will be open for all next year?
  7. maybe you know wich time will be opened for all ? 2011?
  8. what you think about quild wars 2 will be good or sux? and what you think about graphic of this game
  9. you can try http://nova.l2sublimity.com/
  10. DAVC

    Tera Server

    is allready any private server tera? and if any know if must pay on offical server?
  11. bot for automatic farming?
  12. any know any travian hack or any trick
  13. BUMP! any another
  14. ah tnx you i will try now can register
  15. i want register here but got problem http://login.aeriagames.com/index.php?q=user/register why all time show me The password should contain at least 1 uppercase character. i give user janez123456 password game123456
  16. looking for any cool online new mmorpg game ( no for pay ) like lineage whit batter graphic and no much hard for play
  17. maybe anyone play draconica online game http://en.dragonica.gpotato.eu/
  18. im 99% you dont get L2sublimity files can you make server online for test?
  19. i tested this 1st http://dump.ru/file/4667785 its work but some error on console but dunno if is relly
  20. DAVC


    You can send 50MB at a time ?
  21. i want know if is relly or fake :D
  22. i searching and found smting http://dump.ru/file/4667785 uploading 08-07-2010 http://dump.ru/file/4633366 is whit password uploading 13-06-2010
  23. DAVC

    Best Free Hosting

    what about lvl8.net any use this? and can say if is good or sux
  24. wich is best free hosting? I use a 000webhost is sux deleted the file forum just for no reason
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