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Everything posted by DAVC

  1. any can tell me why i got this error when me deleted from navicat all account and characters http://img192.imageshack.us/f/breznaslovat.png/
  2. i got new hacked 2time :/ DAVC-is-here@hotmail.com
  3. USA:Slovenia 2:2 :(
  4. but will fail usa
  5. USA:Slovenia 0:2
  6. jeeeeeeeee USA:Slovenia 0:1
  7. DAVC

    Name Of Site

    no is not torrent site
  8. DAVC

    Name Of Site

    anyone can tell me any good name for site is warez /graphic site
  9. DAVC

    Smf Button help

    wher can add on index.php or index.template.php ?
  10. any can help me i use smf forum i instal mod Aeva Media i want make creat button Media when click goes here http://warez33.x10hosting.com/forums/index.php?action=media
  11. DAVC

    Iron Man 2

  12. anyone have litle time and can this mine logo for site make litle batter whit any effect or whit fire text here is PSD http://rapidshare.com/files/398029938/dsV1_logo.psd.html
  13. DAVC

    Help Smf

    im new on Smf forum instaling 5min back any can tell me how can deleted this forum General Category wher can change banner and how can change mine name admin for 1another name
  14. DAVC

    Help Themes

    any know wher can find any good black themes for mybb 1.4.13
  15. i need guide how can make every picture text make rendel text
  16. i give credit now you happy?
  17. good tool btw is allready shared
  18. who care if ripped or not i only making ppls images Devangell™ you too making shity post whit Ddoser tools is much time back posted on hackforum.net this tools...
  19. if you give me any good font then can here is 3st
  20. FiNitO™ soz for wrong name :D here is
  21. FiNitO™ here is your 1st or 2st
  22. cant whit ™ i will make normal FiNitO
  23. here is whit your nick
  24. DAVC

    wtf -1

    is ok
  25. DAVC

    wtf -1

    for help him i got -1 lolol http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=151549.0 much ppls posting warez... and no 1no give -1 karma so this is allowed ? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=151620.0
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