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Everything posted by DAVC

  1. DAVC

    wtf 000webhost

    i instal my mbb forum 1weeks back 1h back still work forum now no more and public_html is empy no more forum files ...
  2. is not same :D this is same but i want know how can make is 308x84
  3. now is batter size must be litle more smaller and whit same size like mine text
  4. cant whit this
  5. dont angry omg i lerning i make new file but how can then place the image
  6. dont make me you i want know how can make
  7. i want this make smaller not name here is link http://img39.imageshack.us/f/breznaslovaz.jpg/
  8. i dont want too images smaller i delete background and is biger image i want make smaller whit same size name
  9. any can help me how can change this size image on photoshop for smaller image because is now big 531x434
  10. http://i28.tinypic.com/2r24u9j.png[/img] http://i25.tinypic.com/20qbz8n.png[/img] http://i28.tinypic.com/2gubh2o.png[/img] http://i25.tinypic.com/3c47r.png[/img] http://i32.tinypic.com/2vtbd5s.png[/img] Credit:bleach hunter,cal,iamskill...
  11. any know any cool game like travina online game
  12. DAVC

    Above You

  13. any know how can add flash page on mine smf forum like this 1st http://www.delc0re.co.cc/
  14. any know what is this is really or fake ? http://www.4shared.com/get/iE9lBjjs/L2Phoenix_rev19748GraciaEpilog.html
  15. DAVC

    Icons Help

    any can halep me wher can find cool icons for forum 45px × 42px ,45px × 45px or smaller i looking on google but nothing good not found
  16. ofc no shit pack shit pack can find on 4shared tomy123 dont need items on another server
  17. i giving on l2mxc 1 character main is tank 79lvl + sub + noble i selling for any l2j server pack or for any cool template smf /mybb
  18. i think Last Final Will be Germany vs Netherland
  19. Cool Netherland Win
  20. wich? delete l2jdb and instal agen sql? is biger sql instaling 5h or more :S
  21. Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/404295059/topzone.zip.html Link2: http://www.4shared.com/file/QZ2x7EkQ/topzone.html Demo: http://dvd.comule.com/topzone
  22. yea i want wipe whit other server pack never got problem here got so what need do for make wipe?
  23. no lol i deleted only accounts and characters
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