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Everything posted by IamYourDeath

  1. any chance to log in?i press log in and nothing happens for kinda long time...
  2. hahahahahaahhaahahahahahha so true! voted for FB
  3. server is really nice...need some fixes but thats why is beta! most fixes need it at community board...for example when u try to tp in some places u cant right now and after some time u are able to tp...also server once every some mins got some lag i think... also u should add more adena when ppl start cuz i was 85 lvl with C grade and that sucks...or make free items till A/S grade...farm system is really cool!
  4. can i play with GOD client with GOD patch or need update to tauti?
  5. good to know!send me a pm with the server of ur friend!
  6. romeo i hope u are not searching random gms for ur server cuz i will be really dissapointed... :/
  7. after lvl 85 we need our own buffer?what about shops?u say that we get items for free!u mean all items?even S99?
  8. how many online mate?and how old is this server?
  9. 500 ppl online??w00t?u are not even opened...stop saying bullshit plz!
  10. omg!decrease max buff slots to 36 and max enchant to +25!!!
  11. very high enchant rate man...max buff slots?
  12. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=252769.0 post in a topic 2 months old w/o saying anything serious...
  13. u should give us more info mate like nobl q,sub q are retail like or what?max buff slots?all items on shop and buyable with adena?
  14. lets see...i hope u succeed!i will try for sure!all u need is a really nice advertise!
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