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Everything posted by IamYourDeath

  1. why that delay? wasnt supposed to open 30 mins ago?soz if u already answered this question i am bored to read whole topic :P
  2. ok sounds good! PS: voted for Make our own weapon/armor set from the RETAIL parts of c6.
  3. retail like items stats!but u can change textures with apella or something else!
  4. really nice! but why jewels+12 and armor +14 max enchant?shouldn't be the same for balance?
  5. Lineage II The Chaotic Throne: (Gracia Final Client)
  6. i was hopping for hard cuz is safe enchant through NPC so it should be like 1000 farm items each enchant 5-10 farm items each mob in farm area!or something like this!
  7. GOD server are like 5 and none of them are higher than 50x...so u have no luck there...about hi5 i know a server but i am not sure if its 1+1 here is the link to check it by urself! http://www.lineagesquared.com/
  8. cant agree more... u have nothing really unique in ur features mate...
  9. i am reading and reading again and i am trying to find "Unique features"
  10. i really like "cant teleport to dino isle" idea :DDD noblesse and sub quest are retail like or customized?
  11. stop spamming noobcake! or i will report u! 3 bumps at 14.12! 3 more yesterday! if ppl like ur server they will post here stop spamming to get more ppl...
  12. so server is now online?and we can test it?and after beta ends we can keep our chars with some items?
  13. i am playing in private server since 2005-6 i have heard this over 100 times!only 1 or 2 was true...so...i dont believe u :) that simple...u failed hard and u have to admit it!even if u open ur server u will not have any ppl online...so best thing u can do is close,buy a good hoster and reopen after 2 weeks...
  14. thats false mate...fuck admins that they cant have ready their server when it must be...including buy a good host!!!
  15. how is going with the survey?how many ppl have already voted?
  16. omg read be4 post kid and stop spam!there is not opening date yet...sometime in about 10 days i think!
  17. how is this possible on non stuck sub server?give us proofs or never happened...
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