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Everything posted by taio

  1. Hello. Need some help or just maybe some tips how to fix this akward problem on Aion Lightning 3.0 emu. Server starts up with no errors but when i log in some of the skills are not responding at all some of them start to respond just after some time and same goes with normal attack. Scrolls are always on cooldown and cant be used but not all of them. This problem using skills and scrolls changes each time I relog different skill or scroll is not respong.
  2. Need to post to see this post soz for spam
  3. Wooow man really nice work keep it up http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=131285.0 oh it reminds me something i left here :) No no really nice :o RIP OFF
  4. well everything on face looks good just the eyes are a bit messed up heh, it looks like diamonds replaced her eyes :) and now she's blind or sees everything in blue :)
  5. Hello there my mxc people. I have a little request, could someone of you upload ct2.2 animation and systextures folder and gimme the link to download it. I do not have ct2.2 client and to download it would take me days, so if someone can please upload those 2 folders somewhere. Big thx Edited - Oh i manage to get this client from a friend so please moderators look this topic sorry for spam.
  6. np mate just i was surprised that someone still likes one of my works heh
  7. w00t you have re-shared my duals ? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=78869.0. if im wrong correct me then. All that animation on them and colors are done by me don't know who's TrackZero and why did he took all credits.
  8. All of this are my works and there will be more updates
  9. Hello here's an update of 2 more screens but somehow i cant just edit my first post so i have to replay to my own topic to make an update anyway enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update 2010 04 06. Added 2 more Screens. Enjoy Link To Download ---> Custom Screens by taio Pt6.rar --- Here's how they look ---
  10. Question. Did anyone manage to give this monster animation? or still standing like statue.
  11. Heh, your second edition looks better then first one keep goin mate
  12. Hood looks funny :) anyway thx fro your share, keep up
  13. Mm nice just one question your own model or some sword from L2 with new textures ?
  14. Screenies are small, anyway looks nice even from small screens. but i dont get what is custom about them ? Same weapons just mm some colors added and glow ?
  15. Good work, some extra colors on armor would be nice but still looks really smooth, thx mate keep up.
  16. What armor mate :) ? its mob not armor or something else.
  17. Good going mate. keep up you shared some useful utils. thx
  18. well as for first mod its not bad, main thing is that you manage to do it.
  19. what ID's you gave to weapons ? Tell me the first and last Id
  20. Wrong section i do not think such questions are given here :) only shares. GL
  21. Ok you have change ID in SQL ? I mean with navicat help and you have change Id inside xml ? well then did you rename your xml like this (exmp 10000-10010.xml) I do not know what id you used.
  22. If you change the item ID in sql then you must do the same in xml. And then the client side as well.
  23. Don't get mad kas23 but i just could not look at your Pokemon jewel icons ;D so i remade them and this is what i got.... imo now your jewels will have at least proper look. And here are new icons - Ring Earring Necklace Edit - sorry forgot the DDS of jewels if someone needs them here's the link Pokemon Jewel DDS.rar
  24. Oh not so good then, anyway hope someone will give for this monster animation and like CE said making it smaller would be cool.
  25. Pivot position is wrong and in game it messes with your item. just import original item obj from l2 and check position of pivot then place your models pivot at the same place that's all
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