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Everything posted by taio

  1. So here i am again. :) this time shield for you ppl. Took picture from anime and well what i got i liked :) Hope you will like it too. ~Link To Downlad~ http://www.4shared.com/file/129910427/a517d178/Bleach_Shield_by_Taio.html ~How it looks~
  2. Sorry mate to disapoint you but that is Zariche dual not dragon slayer
  3. Thx a lot mates.. Theres still a lot for me to learn about modding but everythings in time.
  4. Hello again.. so out of bored i just created such duals. Enjoy. Btw i added some stat to duals so if you wont like them just change :) ~Link To Download~ http://www.4shared.com/file/129910420/3b7344db/Azure_Cursed_Weapons_by_Taio.html ~And here are the screens~
  5. First of all Hi to all of ya.... Well i dont know if this name for weapons is taken but i like it so i named them Legendary.. This is my first try to make my own weapons, so here you go my own remade set of weapons. Hope so of you will like them. ~Link To Download~ http://www.4shared.com/file/129910425/4b19b054/Legendary_Weapons_by_Taio.html <-- And heres how they look -->
  6. Hello. So i'm new in this editing stuff so i tried to edit Full Plate shield, followed the Guide wich is given about editing textures and what i got was this.... Please Help me tell me what i did wrong cause i got those black spots around shield how to remove them. HELP....
  7. So your saying that my problem is with my skill.grp and skillname.grp ? If so then please put link where i could learn edit those 2 grp files. Not weapon armor or itemname grp.
  8. Thx mate for the Videos. Still can't see Skill icons in my skill bar, i did exactly as shown in videos, even repeted everything from the start still no progress :(. Now i'm thinking that maybe something is wrong with my Skill.xml or Skill.sql hmm any ideas what can be wrong ? BTW i'm doing those skills on shitlude client.
  9. Well here's the thing. The skills wich i want to create are taken from Raid Boss, skills like BOSS holy light burst and BOSS lilim drain, but as you know if you take those skills from RB youll get return icon in you skill bar and nothing special no animation of those skills. So i created new skills based on those existing one. But when i take them they dont show up in my skills. So i wana know what i did wrong or is there more to do so they would work perfectly.
  10. Hello. So i've got a little prob with new skill creation. I created xml for skills and SQL, added them to skillgrp, skillname-e, skillsoundgrp, so i'm in game and try to add them to my Character i get message that i just got them, but when i open my skills i dont see them. What did i do wrong ? Or maybe theres more to do about that. Please help if you can. Thank you
  11. Well this will work with only 1 weapon i think..... What i need is from 10 different weapons in RB's drop list that after each kill he would drop 3 weapons from those 10 and each time 3 different weapons not the same.
  12. Hello im new here. So could anyone help me with this... I want to make a custom drop for some RB. So i add to RB's drop 10 different weapons but with every kill of that rb i want that he would drop only 3 weaps. How to do that ?? Please replay asap. Thank you
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