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Everything posted by RightHandMan

  1. LIVE DATE ANNOUNCED http://l2citadel.com/forums/topic/1119-l2citadel-live-date-information/
  2. The server is shaping up to be the next big success! A dedicated team behind the project, solid files and a good over all, rapidly growing community!!
  3. Bump for the best interlude low rate server online!
  4. Bump
  5. Join the community,people! You are missing out on something amazing!
  6. http://www.l2queen.com
  7. Great server, lots of people, no bugs, no bots. Come join the fun!
  8. I approve of the server , the staff surely knows what they're doing . BETA ongoing , let's hope it's polished to perfection up until launch . Best of luck , will be there .
  9. Actually despite the community not being huge , there is a big chunk of the playerbase that is involved into the clan matters . Making this server quite fun during sieges . There is currently one major clan , and another 3 big ones . Not to mention that since the epic raids have been boosted , the major clan hasn't been able to kill any of them . Also Helbound is not open yet , so S grade is the top gear for now . Server is quite fresh , new people can join in on the action if they want to . Heck , if a clan joins that is strong enough , it can still take over .
  10. Bump !
  11. This server is great ! 600 people + , great sieges and it's still fresh !
  12. Πλέον στο Goddess of Destruction μέσα σε 2 εβδομάδες μπορείς να είσαι lvl 80 με 3rd class .
  13. Greetings everybody , As the title suggests , this is the Rage clan's recruitment topic . We are looking for experienced , mature and loyal players to come and join our ranks ! Our clan is playing on L2 Aria server and currently consists of 50-60 active players with an average of 15-20 people logged in at all times . Our clan core is greek , but the vast majority of our players are of different nationalities . We've been playing together on a few servers , recruiting more and more people in each server . Why would you join us ? We will provide you with a mature and experienced leadership as well as the fun of having daily raids , mass pvps ( we have wars with all the notable clans in our server ) . You will recieve lots of help from our friendly members and have a chance of being part of a big and strong force in the server . Some other things we provide you with : -Voice communication ( through Mumble ). -Private clan website/forums . -Modded clan system files . -A great overall gameplay experience . What do we expect from you ? -We require all our members to have adequate english knowledge . -Be online and active for at least 4 hours a day . -Be active in forums and mumble . -Be co-operative and a team player . -Stay loyal to the clan . This is all we have to say in this recruitment topic . For more information about our clan you can contact me through a private message or by visiting our boards and posting there . We wish you all a pleasant play . Rage-Obscure .
  14. I must say , joining this server is tempting , although I'm not sure . Fyyre sure does have quite the name . Let's see how the server works out in the first few days !
  15. I'd like you to actually list all the S weapons and armor sets that you have , and put price tags on them .
  16. Come on guys , join this great server !! Everything is perfect , all this server needs is more people and it will be epic !! The RB fights , sieges and mass pvps on this server will be amazing !! Don't miss out on such an awesome experience !
  17. This server is really good , this is how pvp is supposed to be . Not like all those high rate crap with Full Buffers that even include pet buffs . No mana potions either , this server is amazing . Keep up with this great work , I really hope this server gets a lot of people ! [ΕΛ] Θα ήθελα πάρα πολύ να σας δω εσάς τους "μάγκες" απο τα high rate να παίξετε εδώ , όλα τα τρελά daggers που μόνο να spammarete skills ξέρετε και όλους τους "imba" bishops που μόνο click + greater battle heal είστε . [/ΕΛ]
  18. Imo , don't share such a thing , we already have hordes of immature people using any exploit or hack possible . Giving such a thing to a wide public would not only be annoying as hell but would also lead to the faster solution and protection against the programme .
  19. Θα ήταν καλό αμα έβλεπες ξανά την ορθογραφία σου , μερικά λάθη είναι εντάξει , αλλά μερικά βγάζουν και μάτι ... Κατα τα άλλα είναι αρκετά ωραία ιστορία , περιμένω για την συνέχεια της .
  20. This is pretty old . Since you posted it though , I'll tell you another "trick" ( idk if it's been posted before ) . Register your skills and use them through macros . Many times you see this " 0 secs remaining till blabla is ready " , if you use skills through macro , that doesn't happen . I found it quite useful for when I play with my dagger , since you 1 less second of cool down . This is pretty known on retail for the past 1,5-2 years now ...
  21. Προσπάθισε να το τρέξεις το λ2 με Συμβατικότητα για Windows XP Service Pack 3 , δεν είμαι και σίγουρος αν θα γίνει τίποτε , αλλά μπορεί να φταίει και το λειτουργικό σύστημα επειδή είναι πολύ παλιό το interlude .
  22. Αρνούμαι να πιστέψω ότι το c4 ήταν το καλύτερο , τότε το l2 ήταν μόνο για μάγους . Θυμάμαι κάτι 10 χρονα που πέρνανε ένα necro και το μόνο που κάνανε ήταν Sleep + Death Spike ούτε καν Gloom , γι'αυτό μ'αρέσει το freya γιατί εκεί το l2 δεν είναι το απλό " Παίρνω S grade και μετά απο κει και πέρα τέλος " . Να μην μιλήσω για c5-interlude όπου ακόμα και ο prophet με ένα Draconic Bow Focus έχωνε αβέρτα στα mass pvp . Το interlude είναι αποδεδειγμένα το πιο unbalanced chronicle , όπου μπορείς να παίξεις μόνο archer , dagger , gladi τίποτε άλλο . Τώρα στο Freya τα πάντα χώνουν τα πάντα , γιατί πολύ απλά υπάρχουν τόσοι πολλοί τρόποι να αναπτύξεις τον χαρακτήρα σου . Αυτά τα attributes που όλοι φωνάζουν ότι χειροτερεύουν την ισορροπία στην αλήθεια δεν κάνουν και πολλά στο Freya , απλά δεν το ξέρετε γιατί δεν έχετε παίξει και ποτέ . Όσον αφορά τις νέες πανοπλίες και τα όπλα , φανταστήτε πόσο πιο νεκρό θα ήταν το παιχνίδι αμα ακόμα το μέγιστο ήταν τα S grade . Το L2 δεν προοριζότανε ποτέ για να είναι ένα απλό παιχνίδι , και μόνο το γεγονός ότι το θέλετε να είναι απλο είναι χαζομάρα . Το L2 στο freya/high five είναι ένα παιχνίδι που δεν βαριέσαι ποτέ , γιατί έχεις τόσα πολλά να κάνεις που σου φαίνονται πως ποτέ δεν τελειώνουν , και εκεί που τα είχες κάνει όλα , βγαίνει μια καινούργια αναβάθμιση του παιχνίδιού που σου δίνει την δυνατότητα να κάνεις άλλα τόσα . Δεν χρειάζεται καν να αναφερθώ στις νέες περιοχές και τα πολύ καλύτερα οπτικά γραφικά , γιατί όλοι ξέρουμε ότι είναι καλύτερα απο κάθε άποψη .
  23. First of all , I'll tell you that you're wrong . I played RPG-club ( x15 ) for a good 3 months and I can guarantee the online counter is not stores . Stop throwing accusation when you don't know anything please cause you probably haven't played even for a minute on rpg-club .
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