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Everything posted by EvilMan

  1. Hi all. Can Sombody Give good and working Npc on L2jfree Datapack wich gives nobles without quest... I think I tryed all NoblessNpc in forum, but no one was working in l2jfree.. Give some Npc or suggestions? Thx.
  2. Ty. Nice Share
  3. Good Job. Just no creating clan items!
  4. Its will not work! no such fing as echant bug.
  5. For me it worked on c6. :P
  6. Why its Hidded. its dont work.
  7. Its didnt work at all. turn on cheat an can get cs from mini bar!
  8. [====b0ns4i v3.0 (31.10.2006) ====] [==== ChrischMC ====] [==Notices==] VAC2 Proof! [==Includes==] XQZ Wallhack ASUS Wallhack Whitewalls Fullbright Lambert -TeamLambert -White -Red -Green Noflash NoSmoke PlayerESP BoxESP WeaponESP DistanceESP EntityESP Gait/SequenceESP (=NEW=)Visible ESP + Visible Lambert (=NEW=)Speedhack Aimbot with - Visual Fov (=NEW=)- AV Draw (=NEW=)ini-control - includes adjustable menu-key (=NEW=)Auto-offsets [==How To==] 1)Start "b0ns4i.exe" 2)Start CS1.6 and HF! [==Keys==] Default is Del: open/close Menu use the arrowkeys for browsing thru it [==Known Bugs==] - Fullbright makes blood glowing - open Menu causes FPS drops [==Contact==] irc.rizon.net:6666 - 6669 #ChrischMC #m-nation #m-nation.eng or: http://b0ns4i.funpic.de [==Credits==] Loader : G3NoCiD3 KyroBase : jLn, Sruh (API Hook Support) Asus WH : steeno ( vallov ) Menu: steeno ( vallov ) XQZ : tabris NoSmoke: [oC]Suxx ESP: h1web & boecke Aimbot: Timberland Speedhack: LTFXguy keycodes.exe: Gordon` Cerial_Killer : for showing me how to start writing a hack [==Thanks to:==] steeno | BrollyLSSJ | burN2k | SmaLLmucK | ViscountPherget | Iarumas | Sruh | Suxx ORGANNER | xgx | uall` | Timberland | Gordon` | anarx | M-nation | g-d ! My Mom and my Dad ;) and all the other friendly people here :) People who using this Hack! Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/139964462/Bon4si.rar.html
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