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About matavai

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  1. Nice, simple, working excelent share dude.
  2. Thats really cool thanks for that share
  3. Hi, is there any one who have an updated version for the latest l2j gracia Final ?
  4. Thats a realy interesting mod. Thanks a lot
  5. This is realy a good mod for high rates server. thanks a lot.
  6. Hi all. Is it posible to give item from the fraged char inventory?
  7. Hi all. Is it posible to give item from the fraged char inventory? Edit : Oops i got a problem when i posted this. It s been posted twice, sorry if it my making. Please mods delete the other post . Sorry again
  8. Your buffer really rocks thanks for the share man.
  9. Sorry if it's a noob question but i have problem compiling my source. Eclipse tell's me : "The method setVitalityLevel(int) is undefined for the type L2PcInstance" It suggest me to create a method in l2pcinstance named setvitalitylevel. How do i do that? Thanks in advance
  10. Thanks man, BTW is it possible to create new skills ( that does not exist ) but put already existing "skills animation" to it? and do I need client modding ( maybe to add icons )?
  11. Hello guys, I'd like to know how to make a custom Raid Boss and give him skills Thanks
  12. Looks like this is impossible. :'( .. .... . Edit : My apologies sir.
  13. Oh man If you manage to do it, it would be awesome. Just to show you the sword i'm talking about. link= http://forum.ragezone.com/f265/share-c3-gods-blade-126810/ And i have animation (ukx) and systexture files in a .rar that i'm uploading on Rapidshare.com I tried but the game Criticals thanks in advance Here is the link : http://rapidshare.com/files/204324780/GodBlade_C3.rar.html
  14. Thanks a lot for this awesome tool. //ban NoItemName. Thanks again
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