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Everything posted by WizZy™

  1. I just made a serious progress of the GvE dungenon system ,its almost ready :p Keep the discuss guys ^.^ You can also give us suggestions at our forums .. we are still in developing ^^
  2. AHHAHA I JUST NOTICED THAT :D:D:D lawl he's a pervert T_T
  3. Don't listen to that ass Intrepid ,he just likes ct2.3 better .. And its normal for new things to get better ,but interlude will live forever even that 4-5 newer chronicles are out there. And actually ,its not all as he says. He played official and so on ,he thinks he's god and so on ,but wait! Did he ever think that l2j isn't even close to L2J? L2j can be hardly editted to match your requierments and you can balance it easly by modifing files. So don't listen to him ,just try to make your dreams :)
  4. Actually SMF is free .. but whatever xD Anyways ,how about posting a real pic? :D
  5. Damn you ,you didn't even take time to reupload them somewhere ,not leaving them at the hotel site.. :D http://www.st-barths.com/ lalala :D
  6. damn you... he saw it in the staff section info in the private sections xD anyways ,yes its true im working for the bulgarian mafia called TIM ^^
  7. I could get you in my car.. You know how it is :D fvcking,paying,shower and you go to the road again xD
  8. And you're a road fairy :D
  9. Thats private ^.^
  10. Should i post my living room then ? :D lawl.. this is nothing compared to the other rooms >.<
  11. This guy reminds me of that assfreak RIO who sings only for the world when he doesn't see how much crap we are into :D
  12. You can see it though.. Not to matter if its crappy and dark :D See 4 urself is it worth :d
  13. Some moar : I luv my room in the night ^.^ Damn im rich! :D
  14. im glad you loved it :D
  15. i luv my amplifier :D Sony FTW! //win
  16. DrHouse is registred here too. Or you wanna say that you're the best and you want him to pay you ? :D
  17. Its not black. They can see the light and the dark ,but it will be highly blured and they wont see a shit .. Its like looking thru a chh2o water... I know that ,cuz when i had surgery to my eyes ,they told me "You will see like blind people in the next 2-3 days and highly blured.Thats how blind people see .. enjoy :D" And... end :D
  18. Actually L2JArchid closed cuz of many bugs.. :D And they haven't commited anything for a month+ or if they commited something ,its wrong. L2JHardCoded may be not updated everyday ,but it has 100% perfomance and almost all bugs fixed.
  19. You aren't using L2J and im 100% sure.
  20. ExtremeDwarf ,really? Cuz i got CTF setted and properly working at my server.. :D Also ,Intrepid killed l2walker before some time.. read a bit :D
  21. 3 seconds? What pack you use? You can change the time .. there is already many guides here.
  22. It already exists in all l2j's C6+ .. Locked to prevent spam.
  23. L2JArchid has an annoying target bug and its the most unstable project i've ever seen. You can use l2jhardcode though.
  24. What the developer will get in return? GM char ? :D
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