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Everything posted by WizZy™

  1. when i dont want to go to school i go to my doctor ... no need to tell shits to mom & dad xD lol ed ur signature is.. lool :D else { activeChar.closeNetConnection(); } and its always better to do it with closeNow ^^
  2. You are feeling sick?
  3. 1st post updated with further informations :D
  4. Server is going live on 1st of november :) at 19:00 ETA Time :)
  5. Lineage ][ - Eminence Server Informations The legion of darkness has awoken. Join an epic battle, fight for glory. Are you bored of Lineage 2 private servers? Are you tired of poor balance, stupid enchant rates, endless farming, overpowered custom items, annoying bugs, overpowered donators? Welcome to L][Eminence, then. ===================== General Features ===================== * XP Rate: 4000x * * SP Rate: 1000x * * Party XP/SP Rate: 2x * * Adena Rate: 5000x * * Enchant Rate: 75% * * Blessed Enchant Rate: 100% * * Safe Enchant: 4 * * Fullbody Safe Enchant: 6 * * Maximum Enchant: 16 * * Professional administration. * * Player's made helper team. * * Powerful dedicated server. * ===================== Special Features ===================== * Flood protection. * * Exploit protection. * * PvP farm protection. * * Grief buffing protection. * * RaidBoss healing protection. * * Awesome, never seen NPCs. * * Two different, awesome farm zones. (Forest,Dungeon) * * Advanced AI for monsters in the farm zones. * * Eminence PvP sets. * * Starting area. * * Customized jail. * * Eternal GvE fights. * * Increased buff times. * * Limit on element resistance. * * Skill tweaks. (UD,Snipe,Vengeance,Touch of Life) * * Auto Events * * PvP Farm Protection. * * Voting system. * * Hero voice for those who has 5000 PvP's or more. * * Boosted stats for events. * * Customized Community Board. * * Custom regeneration system. * For more informations, check our forums. So much to say, so little time to explain. Just; no lies, no compromises. If you want further informations with our custom systems click Here AND YOU SHOULD DO IT! www.l2eminence.eu Best Regards, L2 Eminence Staff! Our staff is - WizZy Stefoulis15 Yosh Nik Jake TheEnd Server's Hardware * Intel C2Q Q9550 2.83Ghz * 8192 MB DDR2 RAM * 500 GB 7.200 RPM * 2000 GB Traffic p/m * 100 Mbbs up/down Link Please register on our forums too!
  6. Not really.. I saw just 2-3 spam posts ,so i`ll just punish him with -1 karma.
  7. You have to be offline to change something in characters table.. Logoff ,change ,login and enjoy.. also if i remember well archid was something like this : 1 accesslevel = admin 2 acclvl = head gm 3 acclvl = gm and so on..
  8. Im just telling my opinion about it and why it wont work :)
  9. AssasiN ftw :P
  10. I can always argue for my work ,cuz i know its working 100% before i share it ;) His work won't work on anything..
  11. Its not a privilege ,im just guessing his life.. I never said im pro nor good at all ,but atleast i dont make shitty previews and saying "LOOL LOOK AT MEEEE IM SO COOOL". I still learn - day by day i learn more and more ,but thats just pathetic. You can stop asslicking him now ^^
  12. You know that i hate gracia final ,so sorry xD Anw ,what error it shows?
  13. Rules : They have a support forum. Locked.
  14. Its not closed lol... Anw , ask Intrepid
  15. Just go to loginserver.prop and there is config "Accept all new servers" make it true and enjoy..
  16. We aren't flaming it - we just show that its pathetic. The point is that he made alot of programs and just giving previews.. which is pathetic. he's trying to be "lool see meee im so awesome when im on the pc"... and whats the point? A man is not a man when he dedicated his whole life on programming... Imo he's just some fat kid who tries to proove himself here ,nothing more. When you are such a programmer why don't you share the programs and put pics everywhere its yours ,cuz some1 may leech it? pathetic..
  17. Yes he does... Its for the Dual blow skill which is with the dual daggers >.<
  18. lolbot >.<
  19. log in msn anyways u whore >.<
  20. I know php like my hands ,but what we (php coders) will get in return?
  21. Press enter twice and you completed the level.. :D:D
  22. You need core support too ,not only XML.
  23. Locked : Solved.
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