Lineage ][ - Eminence
Server Informations
The legion of darkness has awoken. Join an epic battle, fight for glory.
Are you bored of Lineage 2 private servers?
Are you tired of poor balance, stupid enchant rates, endless farming, overpowered custom items, annoying bugs, overpowered donators?
Welcome to L][Eminence, then.
General Features
* XP Rate: 4000x *
* SP Rate: 1000x *
* Party XP/SP Rate: 2x *
* Adena Rate: 5000x *
* Enchant Rate: 75% *
* Blessed Enchant Rate: 100% *
* Safe Enchant: 4 *
* Fullbody Safe Enchant: 6 *
* Maximum Enchant: 16 *
* Professional administration. *
* Player's made helper team. *
* Powerful dedicated server. *
Special Features
* Flood protection. *
* Exploit protection. *
* PvP farm protection. *
* Grief buffing protection. *
* RaidBoss healing protection. *
* Awesome, never seen NPCs. *
* Two different, awesome farm zones. (Forest,Dungeon) *
* Advanced AI for monsters in the farm zones. *
* Eminence PvP sets. *
* Starting area. *
* Customized jail. *
* Eternal GvE fights. *
* Increased buff times. *
* Limit on element resistance. *
* Skill tweaks. (UD,Snipe,Vengeance,Touch of Life) *
* Auto Events *
* PvP Farm Protection. *
* Voting system. *
* Hero voice for those who has 5000 PvP's or more. *
* Boosted stats for events. *
* Customized Community Board. *
* Custom regeneration system. *
For more informations, check our forums.
So much to say, so little time to explain.
Just; no lies, no compromises.
If you want further informations with our custom systems click Here
Best Regards,
L2 Eminence Staff!
Our staff is -
Server's Hardware
* Intel C2Q Q9550 2.83Ghz
* 8192 MB DDR2 RAM
* 500 GB 7.200 RPM
* 2000 GB Traffic p/m
* 100 Mbbs up/down Link
Please register on our forums too!