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Everything posted by Arab4Life

  1. why don;t you people search
  2. sweet post
  3. nice strategy, but how about in olympiad
  4. it exists just need to adjust it to your server items.
  5. Thats right
  6. Go to policy in walker. Place your two weapons there then on the bottom click when target hp< put 98% use direct attack. Or just play with those settings I do it all the time very easy.
  7. go to oren and try this de lvl . select the attack npc under the basic options tab
  8. Its only possible if the buffer bot is not selling anything. You can go to chat settings and whenever a player whispers cov you can buff him, but you need a custom script to buff after someone buys a item from your store
  9. Put the scripts in your script folder in your l2 walker. Then when you open up l2 walker click script on the right tabs then then select scripts then run it
  10. just click script and run it
  11. you have to make a custom script for a private server
  12. BY THE WAY i forgot to mention that you don't need a script for that. Just click begin combat for attacking and for returning to town go to options then buff then down towards the buff items put scroll of escape and set the seconds to 50 mins. Also you can cick return to town several ways read your options.
  13. I am having trouble with all my walker to auto manor so make a custom script or find one. I need one to because my server's manor is glitched and gives 20x more fruit.
  14. I know its been 2 years form post date, but some one else might run into this post so have your low lvl active follow attack and then go to item settings and pick items before attack and make sure you increase his item pickup distance. Real important have the picking up bot WEAPONLESS! and buff him with speed buffs depending on how fast you kill. You can always stop him by turning active follow attack off.
  15. No one is posting here so start searching forums because I need some also
  16. Yes, know you can always macro but if you want to do this auto with walker make the dancer leave party when he is second header in party settings under options or have a swordsinger in party and the dancer will leave as soon as songs start in part setting other its called apitiude dance and song or make a custom script for it!
  17. You can be detected easily if they check which I highly doubt. They type /checkbot and it instantly bans you character. Most servers don't ip ban you, buy only ban your character. So use characters with not so much gear on them and mean no importance to you and theirs a chat feature that makes you chat several times auto so configure it. Also oog detects Gms and instantly log off and know when gms log on. Or if any player sees you can have it to log off or reply smart.
  18. I got the token but Its still not working. I tried 8 crack programs nothing seems to work. I still have 10 more ideas so I will keep you up to date. I am going to currently try the 10.9.0 hope it works
  19. I have tried everything its not working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Depending on your L2 walker it could be your protocol version that has to be right.
  21. nice post
  22. I am playing on L2 essence but no one is willing to help you I guess nothing is free in this world.
  23. Well I am playing on a L2 OFF interlude and I am having the same problem. I used cmd and typed netstat -n to retrieve the ip and port but I think since its interlude you need a interlude TOKEN. I already have the offset but every walker has a unique token and offset. So question is it OFF? Second question is it interlude?
  24. Just make a script I would send you the how to make a script note pad but I am on my work PC. ITS VERY EASY
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