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Everything posted by roket

  1. nu e forum de codati , e forum in care se explica buguri si alte chestii :D asta ma intereseaza :)
  2. nice lol very nice colors on daggers :D
  3. Top grade gives you not a good chance to take an active/pasive skill :D i use normal/mid stones 76 and i got good aguments , anyway TKS for share i didn't know about some skills D:
  4. coduri la cs LAME player :/ jucati dreq fara coduri si luati steam daca vreti sa va aprecieze lumea :-w
  5. any ideea if exist a clicker like this on Hellbound ?
  6. stop spamming , he shared smthg , if you wanna try OK , if you don't then don't try ... Tks for share i'll try this
  7. it doesn't work , and it couldn't work in any l2j/off :-s this is spamm
  8. you can't summon in boss areas now and you can't use gotolove in Baium/anthy/valakas area :-w
  9. yes this is one of the best ways , or simply get a Brez scrool or a bishop and go out of town and get killed by him , res and go back to xp :D
  10. LOOOOL nice =)) funny videos :D
  11. i have no problems with frpas , i can record till 100 mins :d
  12. roket

    Some pivot videos

    lol nice videos >3
  13. lol nice share i'll try it.1st share :D second i can't see :(
  14. l2retail serv it's a German one ...
  15. hai sa facem spamm si noi nitel ca sa ne facem posturi sa putem vedea chestiile alea ascuns :)) Sal all :D e cineva pe aci care joaca pe L2retail ? German srv parca :-w
  16. any ideea if a patch like that exists for Hellbound :-??
  17. I wanna know if we i can know exactly time of baium spawning i mean if last baium was killed Monday at hour 3:20 P.M , next respawn wi'll be in 5 days that means ... Saturday and hour ?! I know it's a random time +8h but ... it's a trick or smthg ? If he's not up in 5 days and i don't know .. 3h , then he'll be up when wi'll be exacty 8h ?
  18. omg the 3rd video it's very funny <3 dwarfs :D cute and tiny :))
  19. this looks GREAT :D what you mean daggers will be more overpowerd? oO
  20. pop/house/hip-hop
  21. lineage2+CS cuz i played CS like ... 7 years oO
  22. i can't agree with ideea "donations" wtf is this ? if you don't have money to keep a srv alive , then don't make it ... i mean If a srv is opened and you reach 700 players ON, normally you'll need a better machine , what you do ? add donation and fak all srv ... DONATORS=0=NON-SKILLED=NOTHING=RICH KIDS=STUPID PERSONS :) p.s. how to pay 2-3k $ to own all ? where is the fun dieing - coming back kill them - dieing - etc :/
  23. roket / racheta / ghemotoc
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