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Everything posted by SuFFLeR

  1. Awesome features .. gonna try it right now.
  2. :o morning :D
  3. Players on?
  4. Our server is hosted at USA 1000+ on .. Opened at 01.10.2010 Server Hardware: Quad Xeon 3220 2.4ghz 12GB DDR3 Ram 2x 150gb 10k RPM HDDs 1gbps uplink port speed Server rates: 50x EXP 100x SP 150x Adena 1x drop 1x spoil Server features: L2OFF Interlude Server Custom shops em Giran Global Gatekeeper Auto Learn Skills 24 buffs slots NPC Buffer songs/dances 2 job Aio buffer Augmentation system Clan system fully working Class manager Cursed Weapon System. (Zariche and Akamanah). Barakiel respawn time 4 - 6 hours Epic Raid Boss respawn time retail Personagens * Every chars borns lv. 20 * Items Top D Grade * SS Package D Grade Npc Buffer * Buffs/Songs/Dances 2 job * Everyone can use in same time * Summoned in all cities Custom Zones Cave of Trials: - Mobs lv. 78 with HP 15~20K and low def * Adena (100k~1kk300) * Ancient Adena (10~40K) * Materials (One type of material for each mob) (Materials = Shafts, Blades, Edges, etc...) * Pieces * Token * Enchants Armor S * Enchants Weapon S * Arguments * Mobs with low drops Giants Cave - Mobs lv. 76 with HP and def balanced for A items * Adena * Ancient Adena Dragon Valley - Zona direcionada para personagens com level baixo - Mobs lv. 50+ * Adena * Ancient Adena Custom Shops Armors Zone for begginers players Grade D~B Unsealeds -> Adena Grade A Sealeds -> Adena Grade S Sealeds -> Armor Piece Grade A & S Unsealing -> Ancient Adena Weapons Grade D ~ A with S.A. -> Adena Grade S without S.A. -> Materials + S Tokens (Materials = Draconic Bow Shaft Arcana Mace Head, etc...) Grade S activating SA -> Soul Crystal Donate Just for AIO Buffer (monthly payment), Quests and Funs (Hearts, etc..) Enchant System Scro S Enchant just killing mobs Low enchant success http://l2saint.com
  5. Gonna try it right now.
  6. Max 10 online .. dont waste ur time here.
  7. Why only fail servers? :o
  8. Players online?
  9. QQ
  10. Oh kids .. please give a proofs about stole etc.
  11. EPIC FAIL ;D
  12. Players online?
  13. Make something better.
  14. Add me then.
  15. Chucky login in msn and pm me please.
  16. First time i see a guy with -5 karma and 0 posts ;D
  17. EPIC:
  18. Class Balance = Fail
  19. Why server is offline?
  20. Morning
  21. Dont think so.
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