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Everything posted by KaitoS

  1. anyone knows when its going to be launched? i was trying the PTS, now u reach lvl 20 in exactly 18 min, 6 hours later u are 40 including quest class... Im waiting to gracia for reactivate my acc ^^ i just love vitality points :D
  2. hahah a good strategy but i keep my position, EE ftw :D
  3. KaitoS


    I think its a good idea, but there are always some ppl thats have nothing to do with their lifes so they will be 24/7 disturbing peace in the server, i mean insulting.. It alwasy happend XD
  4. I prefer to use l2banking system, its include in l2j main pack :P and its more usefull ^^
  5. What? dont make human tanks, make TK, life cubic ftw ^^
  6. this is not working anymore in any server XD
  7. thxs for sharing, im not going to use for pve/pvp, i just found a very nice use.. To get lineage2 Renders :D OMG!
  8. Ahahahahha, but i know some spanish server l2j x15 with +1k users online and its working great, its depends of the server admins..
  9. Nice, im using this in my server :D
  10. i think this is not posible since they are just pixels :) each pixel have only 1 color, how do u suposse to get more info froma pixel..
  11. I have AMD + ATI Cheap :D:D:D:D
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