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About probocis

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. The new evolution of an Interlude server! Great.
  2. Our server will be in downtime till tomorrow. The server will be transferred to a new dedicated server company. The current company is not ready with our contract, and they promised us till today the contract is ready, because they didn't kept the promise, we made a new contract(with another dedicated server company) that will be rdy for tomorrow, so, tomorrow the server will be onlime. We are sorry that we didn't made it online on 15th november, we will be online on 16th november. Thx for your patience.
  3. Just tested server, its so freaking great server.
  4. Server is still in development. Server will be hosted on dedicated server. Server is still live but the development process is slow because of my exams.
  5. Server online today.(test server day) today I fixed mystic immunity please test this skill because i don't know if it works 100%.
  6. you have to install all the sql's files from sql/customs folder to your database to have access to those npcs.
  7. When server is finished then I will see what I add to donation list but we won't add to get more aug active/passive skills.
  8. Remove the " from links cuz website doesn't work.
  9. A new test server day it will be on 16.07.2011 12:00 UTC/GMT +2 hours. Any bugs/suggestions please post on our forum or on this topic.
  10. The grand opening is when server is done, try to read the first post. Btw the next test of server is 10.07.2011 12:30 UTC/GMT +2 hours.
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