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Everything posted by dioscp

  2. Warp brothers Celldweller Linkin Park Rise Against Slipknot
  3. Woowoo this is great xD .. but i have 2 problems... when i use /// command or /// commands nothing appears... and i tryed to download http://mfyyre.narod.ru/ct2_unicode_zoomfix.rar and give me error 404 :X can someone tell me any commands plz??? BTW! realy Nice share
  4. nice guide ^^ but not all people can be hero xD
  5. set packets from wep... send warehouse twice and wep enchant isn't hard...-.-''
  6. it works fine ^^ I have tryed in some interlude servers and work in all ^^
  7. lool tkz this works fine ^^ its easy and usefull lol ty
  8. hahaha this is very usefull tkz alot ^^ lets pwn now in olympiad! =D
  9. baah lucky!! ^^ i tryed that didn't work
  10. nice .. this work in my server ^^ ty
  11. this works on l2j ?
  12. u can use walker to make this.. but its nice when we can't use walker
  13. I already know this .. but to critical power
  14. lool tkz.. i already have try this weight bug ,,, it works fine ^^ this is nice for quests too
  15. i tryed in l2j .. and i didn't work :(
  16. Great guide! - this is very usefull > +1 for people who can help like that ! ^^
  17. this works on interlude? or just c4 - c5?
  18. I only need this to join with "cheats" in some servers ..right?
  19. how did u do this?! I wanna get data from 1 server but i don't know how to get :&
  20. this not work on interlude anymore :(
  21. lol lets own
  22. can't see :( .. if anyone can tell me how to do this plz emailed to me: dioscp@gmail.com tkz
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