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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. phx...pfff...i never want to post in the exploit section because exploits are for one thing...to ruin servers nothing else... phx dont bother me BUT when i saw my server is going down after a huge work because of retarded fags like all of you who cant play Lineage in normal way like everybody play i get a littlebit angry...i'm angry because i pay a lot of money for my server machine i pay a lot to have a good internet connection also i play a lot to give something good for those who want to play and i work a lot...and everything is going down because of these exploit programs... it dont bother me what you say for my comment because i NEVER come back to this section again. But ask yourself..whats the good thing in phx?!you get +5343365235 weapon?you make 1hit/1kill so you get banned.you get +skills and things like that...well its the same thing...
  2. If the server use ssh tunnel to connect to database the program dont work:S Stealth if you know how can i make it to work with ssh tunnel too please reply anyway very nice share ;)
  3. you use l2j this patch is for l2jfree and dont work with l2j i think
  4. Dont replace anything just add it about multiple numbers i dont test that but i think you can just give it a try
  5. if you dont know java you cant make it...thats how it looks..if you want to learn it... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=44325.0
  6. Its in the java not directly in your downloaded gs folder. L2VillageMasterInstance.java located in gameserver.model.actor.instance
  7. I try to do my best:) Also i have some very good project i'm working on i think if its ready i share it(like automated 1v1 event engine and others)
  8. updated create and apply diff patches. Thanks for karma:) As i said on msn my vista has its own life when he dont want photos i dont make photos:D
  9. first you need some program to work with java. you need: java jdk: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp eclipse: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22102.0 (Guide how to install it and set it up) maven: http://maven.apache.org/download.html install them.(for easier use copy maven to c:/maven folder) When you finish open the eclipse and start to work:) Its really simple server maker teams have their own SVN repository thats the url where you download their DP. Go to window->show window->others...->SVN->SVN repository now a window appear in eclipse. right click in the window go to new->repository location in the popup window you need to enter the svn link.The SVN links are: l2jfree: svn://www.l2jfree.com/repo/l2j-free L2j: http://www.l2jserver.com/svn/ (core svn) http://www.l2jdp.com/svn/ (DP svn) L2emu: http://svn.assembla.com/svn/L2Emu/ I use l2jfree server pack so the guide based on l2jfree! Now when you press ok you see the server pack in the SVN window. The newest pack is in the trunk folder.We want the core and datapack right click on it and checkout. Now its downloaded you see the downloaded pack in the package explorer window. ABOUT COMPILING Datapack:Really simple right click on Build.xml->Run as->1 Ant build. Core:l2jfree use maven so you need to compile it with maven.(Other pack use Build.xml to core too) Compile l2jfree core: before you compile you need to do 2 things. 1st open control panel->system->special->variables You need to add new system variable for java jdk.Add these lines to user and system variables. Variable name:JAVA_HOME Varible path:C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11 Now restart your PC. Open maven\bin\mvn.bat with notepad go to line 157 and write this: old one:%MAVEN_JAVA_EXE% %MAVEN_OPTS% -classpath %CLASSWORLDS_JAR% new one:%MAVEN_JAVA_EXE% %MAVEN_OPTS% "-Xmx1024m" -classpath %CLASSWORLDS_JAR% Now compile the core: open a command line(start->run->cmd) go to your core folder(for example the core is c:\workspace\l2jfree-core) type cd C:\ type cd workspace type cd l2jfree-core Now you need to compile: type C:\maven\bin\mvn clean:clean thats delete the excisting compile(Target folder)if you have. type C:\maven\bin\mvn assembly:assembly -Dmaven.test.skip=true thats build your core and place it to l2jfree-core\target folder. HOW TO MAKE JAVA MODIFICATIONS: VOICED COMMAND: You have the voiced commands in the com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.voicedcommand folder Voiced commands ingame starts with . for example .info Insert the Info.java for example to voiced commands folder thats the first step. After that you need to register it. Open voicedcommandhandler.java Search for the private VoiceCommandHandler() section there you can register your command To register the .info command for example type this under the last registered command. registerVoicedCommandHandler(new info()); Compile your core and you are done. ITEM HANDLERS: You have the item handlers in the com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.itemhandler folder The itemhandlers ingame works like for example you click on it and it summon your pet. Same like the voiced commands just insert the java file into the itemhandler folder. Registering in itemhandler.java Go to private ItemHandler() section and register your command under the last command like registerItemHandler(new example()); Compile your core and you are done. REGISTER NEW SQL COLUMN IN A TABLE AT JAVA: open the L2PCinstance.java (com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.actor.instance) to register it you need 2 easy step. 1st you see SQL string definitions named with the name of sql table. For example look at // Character Character SQL String Definitions: Lets an example you have a patch for vitality system but you need to register a new column at character table. You see update and restore you need to insert your colums name into these two line like this: trust_level=? WHERE charId=?"; thats the end of the update line if you want to insert a new one(example vitality)write this. trust_level=?, vitality=? WHERE charId=?"; Now look at the restore line trust_level FROM characters WHERE charId=?"; thats the end of the line to insert vitality column write this. trust_level,vitality FROM characters WHERE charId=?"; Now thats ok you need to set a statement. Search for the private void storeCharBase() section at L2PCinstance you find statement's here go to statement.setInt(52, getObjectId()); Thats the end of it its gat the characters objectid(at which character the tables effect applyes) Now insert vitality here.Insert above statement.setInt(52, getObjectId()); this: statement.setInt(52, getvitality()); and rename the statement.setInt(52, getObjectId()); to statement.setInt(53, getObjectId()); compile your core and your done. HOW TO MAKE CONFIG OPTIONS: You can make config options for everything what you want i show you a simple. You want to create config Option for a voiced command. Go to voicedcommandhandler.java where you register the command. Use this syntax for registering with config option: if (Config.ALLOW_EXAMPLE) { registerVoicedCommandHandler(new yourcommand()); } Thats the first step now open the Config.java (com.l2jfree) You want to register it for example at other.properties. Search for other.properties the section is ending with this line: // ******************************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************************* Above that search for the latest option press enter at the and of the line now you have a new line For a false/true config you need to use public static boolean so to register the example use this: public static boolean ALLOW_EXAMPLE; Now search for public static void loadOtherConfig() (thats load the configuration of the other.properties) Search for catch (Exception e) above that you see config options in other syntax. Search for the latest option and press enter.In the new line register the config like this: ALLOW_EXAMPLE = Integer.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("Example.properties", "default value false or true")); Now thats ok lets write the config. Open the properties file(Other in my example) go to the end of it and press enter. Example = false or true If you want to write about the config option make it like this # ----------- # Allow example # ----------- Example = false or true HOW TO CREATE/APPLY DIFF PATCH: apply diff patch: right click on the core->team->apply patch than select your destination. if you get error for a diff dont apply it open it with notepad and with search function add it to the right place. make diff patch: right click on the edited file->team->create patch here you can choose copy to clipboard and then paste or save it to a file. Credits to ALEX2008GR for the eclipse guide!And for me to that guide! [move]When i have time i try to keep it updated whit other java basics :)[/move]
  10. really great share:) one thing about it it's not a retail like system with this system you get vitality for afk time(like retail)and lose vitality from killed mobs(not retail like)in retail you lose it with active time(for ex killing mobs,pvping..) anyway really good share:)gj
  11. With this patch your subclass can reach lvl85 to. source:l2jfree ct2.2 credits to me. Index: D:/workspace/l2jfree-core/src/main/java/com/l2jfree/gameserver/model/base/SubClass.java =================================================================== --- D:/workspace/l2jfree-core/src/main/java/com/l2jfree/gameserver/model/base/SubClass.java (revision 5002) +++ D:/workspace/l2jfree-core/src/main/java/com/l2jfree/gameserver/model/base/SubClass.java (working copy) @@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ public void setExp(long expValue) { - if (expValue > (Experience.LEVEL[81] - 1)) - expValue = (Experience.LEVEL[81] - 1); + if (expValue > (Experience.LEVEL[86] - 1)) + expValue = (Experience.LEVEL[86] - 1); _exp = expValue; } @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ public void setLevel(byte levelValue) { - if (levelValue > 80) - levelValue = 80; + if (levelValue > 85) + levelValue = 85; else if (levelValue < 40) levelValue = 40; @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public void incLevel() { - if (getLevel() == 80) + if (getLevel() == 85) return; _level++;
  12. well i dont know strikers pack but i never use preconfigured servers these skills not implemented yet i think it needs core support and dp support too
  13. well about the skill what server pack you use?and which revision? we cant help you if the skill not implemented in the core.
  14. i dont think it's a bad idea for example disable quick heal potion in high rate server... or if somebody want to open a low rate without mana pots but he want good play with mage he can enable the mana potion but only for exping.
  15. if you use script in this line: SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId,skillLvL).getEffects(st.getPlayer(),st.getPlayer()) just write to look like that: SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId,skillLvL).getEffects(st.getPlayer(),st.getPet(),st.getPlayer(),st.getPet()) make it for the buffs you want for pets and thats all.
  16. the speed is depends on the site where you download the torrent
  17. the problem is in the skill_tree table i think download the datapack from l2jfree site and execute batch file...(the skill_trees table)
  18. l2gve.net is the oldest faction server i've known so hard to cheat it but it's one server there are so many GvE style server on the internet...
  19. well for l2 server in my opinion not a good thing to use css systems to a website cause it's not safe. and if you use it dont want to reg the website account to game account because if somebody hack your site he/she get the ingame accounts too.If you really want it google can help you the account registration is only a mysql injection i think.
  20. enchant exploits are useless because the system is totally depends on luck! the only thing is the enchant system that NCsoft can be proud because nobody can cheat it without a 3rd party program! so thats not an exploit thats a bug on your server...
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