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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. man plz read...the man who did it dont want his script shared.And i cant make it!
  2. yes but you know best things come in small packages:D and now i start to w8 for his next share he started an automated speed quiz event:D
  3. No he dont tuch them those are just show how you can do it
  4. i'm not good at php so i cant make it more simple than this also i cant share the script because its not my work and not rizels work so dont want from us to share it because the man who did it dont want his script shared.
  5. yes but (i dont know thats right) that only for the USA so if you host your server in europe you dont get closed because of the europen unions law.
  6. I play on retail for 2 and a half year...so i know what i'm talking about...
  7. Yes you are right on retail you cant play everybody knows that and why? before you want to buy armor or weapon you need to make huge adena donate thats the 1st one and the 2nd one well RETAIL IS OWNED BY BOTS. NCsoft knows that they need to worry about private servers because some ppl can make better server than they have!Thats why they close private servers...i dont know which server would be the next i think L2inc has the biggest chance...but like paradise admin said there are alot of servers running L2OFF and they dont get closed thats a joke?use L2OFF files is ILLEGAL L2J is working LEGAL i dont understand that... anyway if all l2j server beeing closed i think we can R.I.P the retail servers too...because in my opinion L2J is the best advertisment to retail servers because l2j is not complete and when somebody try it out they want to know how it works on retail how he can make good pvp on retail so they want to know everything about the game and the only place where you can do that is retail...
  8. 1st wrong section 2nd use the npc table...
  9. 150x low rate server?:DWTF?!?!?!:D plz give more info i want to know how somebody can make a 150x low rate server:D
  10. this is server side thing so plz a mod move it. Ps.:Go to data/stat/armor or weapon search for the itemId and than add any stat you want here you find the stats: http://www.l2jdp.com/trac/wiki/XML
  11. Admin menu item than type id and amount. and about the guide well just a little search here you find all stats,orders,conditions: http://www.l2jdp.com/trac/wiki/XML
  12. for pvp: if (activeChar.getPvpFlag() != 0) { return false; } for oly: if(activeChar.isInOlympiadMode()) { return false; } for pk: if(activeChar.getKarma() !=0) { return false; } for tvt:(for CTF i think the same but i use l2j so i dont have ctf event yet) if (TvTEvent.isStarted() && TvTEvent.isPlayerParticipant(getObjectId())) { return false; }
  13. yes you are correct sorry maestro:) there are an other tutorial for autoupdater but with other program:)
  14. this is client modding section i think and if my memory correct its alredy shared
  15. try to insert it manually first because the diff files are not correct for all packs and all revisions Ps.:Reported on l2j forum What i found: 1. Event starts and ends normally 2. you can set use of GK or not. 3. announces events as described. Bugs: Does not set peace zone to PvP or arena zone, on the console it states that it reloaded zones, and on exit states reloaded zone, but in game there is no change, and when you select ALL TOWNS it gives bad request error on console and does nothing at all ingame. havene't been able to test Reward since event wont start.
  16. well when windows crash or dont want to boot in or something...Linux Live helps:P anyway reinstall can help
  17. good idea thanks:) Ps.:thats not a non mutant substuck you NEED that before you make a substuck server:P
  18. You need new one the name is what you want but the name of the file need to be the same like in that line: public class tradeoff implements IVoicedCommandHandler so in my share tradeoff.java and you need to register that name if you dont know how to register: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=44325.0
  19. everybody share it for l2j because l2j have better support than l2jfree and if something wrong you can get help faster to make it compatible with l2jfree change the imports from net.sf.l2j to com.l2jfree
  20. Use that database clenup script: -- more than ... days SET @dt = 60; DELETE FROM accounts WHERE DATEDIFF( CURRENT_DATE( ) , FROM_UNIXTIME( `lastactive` /1000 ) ) > @dt; DELETE FROM accounts WHERE login NOT IN (SELECT account_name FROM characters); DELETE FROM account_data WHERE account_name NOT IN (SELECT login FROM accounts); DELETE FROM characters WHERE account_name NOT IN (SELECT login FROM accounts); DELETE FROM character_friends WHERE char_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_hennas WHERE char_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_macroses WHERE char_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_quests WHERE char_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_recipebook WHERE char_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_shortcuts WHERE char_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_skills WHERE char_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_skills_save WHERE char_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM clan_data WHERE leader_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM clan_privs WHERE clan_id NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data); DELETE FROM clan_skills WHERE clan_id NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data); DELETE FROM pets WHERE item_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT object_id FROM items WHERE owner_id IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters)); DELETE FROM items WHERE owner_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters) AND owner_id NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data); DELETE FROM seven_signs WHERE char_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM augmentations WHERE item_id NOT IN (SELECT item_id FROM items); UPDATE characters SET clanid=0,title="",clan_privs=0 where clanid NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data); UPDATE clanhall SET ownerID=0,paidUntil=0 where ownerID NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data);
  21. I agree with you but you cant say somebody c/p codes until you dont know them:) Cobra and Vago deservered it yes but i think you are right with that let the moderators too choose without any vote.
  22. Go to the L2PcInstance and under the townwar pvp reward add something like that: if (activeChar.consecutiveKillCount > 20) { // set enchant value player.getInventory().unEquipItemInSlotAndRecord(armorType); itemInstance.setEnchantLevel(ench); player.getInventory().equipItemAndRecord(itemInstance); // send packets InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate(); iu.addModifiedItem(itemInstance); player.sendPacket(iu); player.broadcastPacket(new CharInfo(player)); player.sendPacket(new UserInfo(player)); } To make the consecutiveKillCount look at the hero shine on pvp kill by Vago:) The armor type need to be changed only i think.The armor types: PAPERDOLL_HEAD PAPERDOLL_CHEST PAPERDOLL_GLOVES PAPERDOLL_FEET PAPERDOLL_LEGS PAPERDOLL_RHAND PAPERDOLL_LHAND PAPERDOLL_LEAR PAPERDOLL_REAR PAPERDOLL_LFINGER PAPERDOLL_RFINGER PAPERDOLL_NECK PAPERDOLL_UNDER PAPERDOLL_BACK FOR BOW CROSSBOW AND 2HANDED WEAPONS ONLY: PAPERDOLL_LRHAND
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