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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Well, pm djpliku, he knows hot to do it..
  2. the best screen recording is camtasia studio, it has auto zoom too.
  3. I'm waiting for a Aio of aio's
  4. atleast good reflection and shadow.
  5. the forum is scared to not take critical errors
  6. I'm kinda happy is not shared in forums because if it was, the exploit would be history.
  7. ok change it asap
  8. i know, keep your eyes open for a dvdrip by the way all the movies i posted are seen by me, except the season of the witch
  9. no, prolly it will cause more problems, i mean ro spammers will flame coyota, is better as it is now. I can live without it, you should do the same.
  10. how retard can you be to have signature with a redard emokinder surprise
  11. will not be deleted, no reason to delete it.
  12. we never had wars lol. Dunno why you created this topic since even mods are sarcastic bad idea with delete spam section, do you know how many free time finito would have?
  13. @Morian ;)
  14. do you take anything?
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt1iqmyIE04&feature=related
  16. Its your choice though, i left after i saw i'm becoming addicted.
  17. nowhere
  18. spam amre
  19. sage is old dude we had fun too with sage though spam amre
  20. spam amre is the highest spam ever made, the most annyoing message, the most useless message, etc invented by Raule :D
  21. :D
  22. topicu se inchide si ramane nelipicios, cauzele se stiu. un ultim spam amre!
  23. Nevermind, let those shits. but to cannot create a fucking topic with a custom title is just
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