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Everything posted by Raule

  1. when you want filelist invitation pm me ^^
  2. pm sent
  3. join private trackers.
  4. never used btjunkie
  5. use the newest version.
  6. si eu acuma m-am trezit
  7. crystaline, ma apuc de spartacus
  8. Good job Karma. I use adfly at this time and i earn more than 1,5 $ per day :P
  9. Total time logged in: 174 days, 22 hours and 37 minutes. Date Registered: July 12, 2008, 09:03:18 am
  10. is la zi..m-am uitat de plictis si pot sa spun ca serialu e o telenovela
  11. abea astept sa inceapa game of thrones
  12. Raule

    Youtube music

    it was a joke dude. how hard is to think if your video was blocked, is because of the copyright
  13. let me think, i will come later with some, i must remember
  14. Raule

    Youtube music

    Is not the problem, your pc is the problem, try to close your pc for 5 minutes and then try again and tell us the result.
  15. trance, ramane asa cu serveru? Roby .: aoleu faza tare Roby .: eram in rbg Roby .: p wow Roby .: si intr eu Roby .: anybody from Romania ? Roby .: rasp unu : wow they allready have internet there?
  16. cauta pe gogu Y: ba ce mi s-a intamplat azi frate..:| X: ?? Y: vin eu de afara foarte chill intru pe usa incerc sa ma duc la baie si o aud pe mama...BA DACA ITI MAI FACI LABA CAND SUNTEM NOI PLECATI SI DAI PE LANGA WC TE SPARG..frate si mi-am luat panica am transpirat tot in puii mei :| X: :)))))=)))) Epic.
  17. 40 km sau cati sunt de la deta
  18. daca vrei plikule stiu eu loc la camin, un milion jumate pe luna.
  19. Cica joaca-ti cartea, pula, n-am carti de tarot..
  20. i will not use it, check here some feedback Absolutely Worthless I joined this site 4 months back and have been clicking on ads since then. Jills Click Corner behaves like any other normal PTC site where you click ads to earn money. My accumulated amount was way ahead of the pay out limit. So when I requested for cashout I got a message saying that I will receive payment within 7 days. It's been more than a month now and I still have not been paid. When I contacted the moderator, I was accused of using a fraudulent account and it got deleted today. In the end all I got was a huge internet bill and a very sore finger. So my advice would be to stay away from this site more here http://www.imreportcard.com/other/jills-click-corner
  21. you can always check imdb
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