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Everything posted by Raule

  1. i wanted to share this :P its minimum 0.6 per view
  2. house iz up
  3. anyone ?
  4. Do this again and be assisted by psomas and crystalin as we spoke!
  5. anyone assisted to this draw??
  6. blood and sand
  7. any proof? because i've seen more sites like this, even with 1,3 $ per ref.
  8. plm e plictisitor..
  9. tomorrow i will start smiting.
  10. ba ii cam naspa spartacus.
  11. sent to both of you
  12. found one site it is legit, you sign up, setup your payment and you just wait for email with the question, within 24 hours you will be paid with 1 $. Lets see: 1 min to sign up and like 20 secons to answer. The bad thing is you earn money only when they send you email. If anyone want it, write here. Register link
  13. too much boards board: monetization sub: tricks, bots
  14. we need monetization section
  15. after i loose all the points? or just those i lost?
  16. great, i just lost 22,500 points, i should start making bots.
  17. fuuuuu i will loose 10k with spurs :s
  18. registered under your ref
  19. If you made us register for nothing, everyone from here will smite you and you will end up banned by -4 karma.
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