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Everything posted by Raule

  1. am un coleg de camera din deta
  2. yes , if i win you'll have your title " raule is the best", if you win i will have!
  3. you will see its awesome, better than harry potter.
  4. epic
  5. sa faci naveta e naspa.
  6. face, alaturi de henri coanda :))
  7. its private(you can join only by invitation), every torrent is checked, more than 600k users.
  8. join a private torrent tracker, like filelist..i can find almost everything there.
  9. primu an e mai greu, restu-s groaznici :)) nu fac naveta cois..cand am cursuri stau la camin, doar in sesiune stau aacasa.
  10. wooden pcs prolly your momboard did not support so much rams and your power supply burned
  11. something new, google.
  12. io no watched the chronicles of narnia?
  13. am invatat 18 ore, dormit 3 ore, trezit-mers cu trenu 100 km in frig. Bucura-te de scoala!
  14. azi va fi prima restanta
  15. keyra augustina has perfct ass not that bitch.
  16. Raule


  17. 0:49 - 0:56 nu mai pot de ras :)) Bujor si Nicusor in vizita la Morena
  18. start watching fringe!
  19. The Ugly Truth - Official Trailer
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