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Everything posted by Raule

  1. y u no have the headz to find it yourself?:|
  2. theme : game of thrones text: raule
  3. 31 positions - 0.15$ in balance - 6.20$ a day
  4. :)) poate ti le vrifica pana vineri
  5. Game of Thrones Visual Effects (HBO)
  6. y u got trolled. I can see hidden posts without leaving a reply.
  7. Indeed i have no idea bout rap. Giv me some of your songs to see your flow. This is flow, 2:50 show me yours.
  8. 30 positions - 2.15$ in balance - 6$ a day le proof
  9. Please quit rap and start singing pop or whatever else you want. A reap rapper'd love those beats. it was a test, no rap in your blood.
  10. y u earn pretty good for your second month. I invested almost all my sharecash earnings in justbeenpaid, you shuld do the same. I invested 110$ and after 1 month im having 303$ :P psomas invested 210$ and he is still jelly can't pass me. My strategy earn money with ppd-> invest in jss-> earn $$$$ If y u has the balls to invest, don;t forget to request in payza cause jss don't accept paypal.
  11. punch in yur face, you jusy broke the first rule of fight club: y u dont tell anyone about fight club
  12. kinda, they do nothing but spam
  13. You cant hack facebook accounts.
  14. Silent Strike - Imperiul Lianelor ( Instrumental ) Deliric 1 - Demoncratie ( Instrumental ) (prod.Silent Strike) (Video) Kazi Ploae - Investigatii ( Instrumental ) (prod.Silent Strike) Kazi Ploae - Indepartare ( Instrumental ) (prod.Silent Strike) C.T.C - Echilibru ( Instrumental ) (prod.Silent Strike) Deliric 1 - Gloante Oarbe ( Instrumental ) (prod.Silent Strike) Kazi Ploae - Nimic nu e o concluzie ( Instrumental ) (prod.Silent Strike) Deliric 1 - Negru ( Instrumental ) (prod.Silent Strike) tell me if you like them
  15. welcome to the club of GOT Im the frist that watched got from mxc. Ujelly?
  16. y u no like fringe?
  17. john noble aka doctor bishop was a -beep-ing genius wich made experiments on kids and lots of other experiments. He found another universe and made a portal. His kid was dieing of a unknown disease and he found the cure too late because he was distracted by a an observer( you will see they are people from future) and he teleported in another universe(parallel universe - means same people lives there but there's some probability the " twins" walked on another path and there's something different about each other twin.) For example in uninverese 1 Dr Bishop is a docotr and in universe 2 he is minister of defence. Interesting? nuff said
  18. its in my top 3. What do you think? You will see the awesome actor John Noble.
  19. ye cause it was 1 season. The first season is only the begining.
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