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Everything posted by Raule

  1. there's nothing to read
  2. Raule


    Stop lieing about earnigs cause none will believe you :P Though good luck in making.
  3. Raule


    kgo make fake hacks on vb post them with torrents youtube = profit pdd
  4. problem i dl with 10 mbps? prolly upgrade to 20 with my jss earnings
  5. im kinda make an log, progress of my earnings, i already know what you said ^^ 40 positions - 2.56$ in balance - 8$ a day
  6. pz/std/pf/lr eu folosesc pz, luni o sa merg sa-mi fac cont in banca si o sa scot ceva $ PS maine 40 pozitii :)
  7. prolly another shapeshifters i dont really remember
  8. y u mean shapeshifters
  9. 39 positions - 7$ in balance - 7,80$ a day - 5,85$ on weekend
  10. You dont say? Im the failure? you just posted google gives you some kind of error. How more retard can you be? i was just joking on your extremely funny retarded post.
  11. I'm member of Anonymous. Problem?
  12. I ddosed google. Problem?
  13. ye. Problem? your referals invested 40$ thats shit go fucking exchange me those $ to buy new position
  14. a pic with "didn't read lol" isnt trolling. Trolling is this trolling http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=203811.0
  15. you call that trolling? you misunderstood the meaning of trolling.
  16. ujelly i 39 positions and i will buy more just to make you more jelly.
  17. I always get 2.48$ from greece and 3$ from germany with sharecash. Anyway you should use sharecash or dreamcash, they're the best after fileice. Also i dont believe you you got 10$ already:P
  18. 10$ - 8 downloads? 8 downloads = 20$+ on fileice.
  19. Mi-e ciuda ca nu m-am bagat acu 6 luni pe site. Ma gandesc ca aveam vreo 50-60$ pe zi dar e bine si asa in doua luni jumate 8$ pe zi
  20. Works fine for me. Just wait fully page to load. Kgo buy 3 positions. Our Traffic Exchange System Pays You To Join, Requires No Recruiting , No Experience it's Simple and Fun! Do you know how much money they will make from adevrtising? that means jbp will be more safer.
  21. 38 pozitii, maine mai iau unu si poimaine una. ujelly?
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