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Everything posted by Raule

  1. what? your karma log: Who Whom What Reason Where When Pauler (0) par0s (-2) + That's a fix. In topic June 21, 2012, 02:10:07 pm CryStaliN (0) par0s (-2) - the link. (dont post in our topic you'r nonsense bullshit) In topic June 20, 2012, 10:03:44 pm MixMasteR (1) par0s (-2) - Spamming. In topic April 24, 2012, 08:51:12 pm WeirdSituation (0) par0s (-2) - bad language In topic September 30, 2011, 05:09:56 pm
  2. ye go. please.
  3. nu
  4. i'l send you guides to post and give you karma, result infinite abuse.
  5. To tired to fight..Crystalin, when you see a greek reply in english topic, smite directly.
  6. 2 le da sigur
  7. You don't have to pay any taxes. Don't forget they don't accept paypal. You must have payza, libertyreservem solidtrustpay or perfectmoney. You can always exchange with Psomas. Also, as i promised i will give back 10% of your first deposit to help you grow.
  8. all pm maaxtor with this topic.
  9. Raule


  10. The best is..banging indiana Evans.
  11. 44 positions - 9.20 in balance - 8.80$ a day ujelly psomas?
  12. dafuq y u no understand mindfuck movies? Go for Shutter island, Inception
  13. quote #skmnight
  14. Raule


  15. Raule


  16. cortexiphan, is the other nina just shut up and watch
  17. unlimited afaik, up to 5k positions per day. y e i will send y u the ebook.
  18. oiuyojoi xcsadfsf.
  19. owertr? axctrye potrertert!
  20. qweo asretuio czasdgfhuy? qweo wertert:))
  21. Indeed lol. He " tried" to kill himself. No he didn't. He probably got a scratch. It's just a strategy to delay going to prison.
  22. Raule


    go put all in jss
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