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Everything posted by Raule

  1. ba..m-as risca sa bag 20$ intr-un hyip cu 300% dupa 5 zile.
  2. dap, n-are niciun cuvant melodia.
  3. ye. ujelly you're not from that countries? ijelly. You can make 10-20$ per day easy selling downloads. If you are from France, you can make 50-100$ a day easy because surveys from France are paid with 14$
  4. e din 2004 site-ul, de atunci nu s-a inchis. Saptamana trecuta au fost cele mai mari depnuri de $
  5. the countries i mentioned have surveys without phone verifications, just with questions.
  6. pai luna viitoare ajung la 17-20$ pe zi.. aia e cam 500-600 pe luna. fara sa calculez pozitiile matrix :)
  7. I think i will watch True Blood.
  8. daca stii sa speculezi, faci bani si din hyip-uri. Cauti hyip nou(1-2-3-4 - o saptmana vechi) vezi daca plateste, bagi si tu ceva si scoti 99% din el, dar daca te bagi pe un hyip care are 2 luni normal ca nu mai merge, desi sunt cateva care sunt combinate intre hyip matrix si cycler si merg destul de bine.
  9. us/germany/netherland elite proxy + fakenamegenerator
  10. eu scot ceva bani vreo 20$ si ii bag in hyip-uri.
  11. Raule

    Good torrent

    one byte corresponds to 8 bits
  12. Raule

    Good torrent

    you wont download with more than 12,5 mbps 100/8=12,5
  13. Raule

    Good torrent

    ye but y u download max with 12 I will upgrade mine to download with 20mbps paying 10e ujelly?
  14. dupa ce iti expire 4 pozitii mai primesti o pozitie care iti da 60$ eu am 46 pozitii momentan - 9,20$ pe zi sa zicem ca am 40 pozitii expirate, aia e 10 pozitii matrix x 60$ you do the math.
  15. Raule

    Good torrent

    ye is the best actually downloading with 10 mbps paying 7 euro the internet bill ujelly?
  16. Raule

    Good torrent

    dont give you filelist
  17. N-ai inteles. Si mi-e lene sa tot explic.
  18. That's what i'm doing. Yes your logic is proper. Don't forget, atfer 4 positions expires you will get one matrix position wich worth 60$ when it will be filled. So for example if yo have 80 positions expired you will get 20 matrix positions wich will be 1200$ Tomorrow i will have my first position expired xD can't wait more 3. Ps let me know if you need any help.
  19. Obviously if you dont try you fail. Its really easy to set up some videos on youtube enhance them with traffic exchangers/make some torrents, just read some guides. JSS http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=237202.0
  20. you dont need sites, you can use youtube or torrents they are the most known methods for sharecash, you must search for some guides.. I made 160$ with sharecash with like 30 minutes work(just once, not everyday). Made 460$ with JSS with no work, curently 9,20$ a day and growing( next week reaching 10$, in 30 days 20$ a day)
  21. Thats good idea, but for gym you need some money. Here is your topic: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=231145.0
  22. Use sharecash, work 2-3 hours per day, make 3-400$ a month for the start.
  23. Am antena de gandac, ca trag Scuip amoniac pe track Fratii dati pe bar din cap Flow-ul meu e maniac Fac rap, si v-atac c-un baltag din bazar Bajca, ca bag praf, sunt bastard ca Balzac C-un nas spart ca Bastra, linii ca la Nazca Zapada ca-n Alaska, shamani si ayahuasca Rachete ca la N.A.S.A, sa moara volumu' masa De la ketamina asta, e faza cu zburam cu casa Toti oratorii care vor glorii Gaborii goniti de bolidu' metodic ce straluceste ca sori E 47, sau Dragonasu' Alege dintre astia 2, zi-mi care e nasu'
  24. sio te-ai bagat pe jss ?:))
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