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Everything posted by Raule

  1. da
  2. :happyforever:
  3. y u no andarstend i i listen that maserpiece so loud
  4. Raule


    it was your brain, not mxc :troll:
  5. you dont need swag when you have this
  6. rosalie you so fat that you sweat lard
  7. rosalie Stai in fata la BancPost, vorbesti de bani – ce banc prost O arzi peste, ce banc prost, ma-ta-i pe sigla BangBros
  8. that awkward moment when you dream something and you think is real
  9. so saks you re
  10. y u delete
  11. te las cu fata luminata gura cascata sunt dentist da` nu ma uit in orice gura ma uit in a ei c-un ochi spart si dau o tura cu ea stand in genunchi parca-i un bloc start
  12. none is watching your topics is full
  13. why you fixed rosalies karma ufags
  14. i watch house of lies :happyforever: still better than wanking alive and descter :troll:
  15. no swag, no bling blings, no kids leaning their head
  16. porn site
  17. all go dislike
  18. Raule

    go give me

    good fb cover with house md :happyforever:
  19. dont worry dude, we don't miss you
  20. 0 comission in exchanges and i will teach you to withdraw from jbp
  21. :happyforever: you so stupid mixmaster why you didnt pm me on mxc when you wanted to trade whatever you spoke with that guy :happyforever: le: mixharder*
  22. i was speaking with fakoykas and webmonster like 3-4 years go on skype, my skype was mxcraule i think since then, never used it again.
  23. lol i dont use skype plus i never played league of legends plus my payza and paypal account is tryxd@yahoo.com
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