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Everything posted by Raule

  1. continue with rosalie instead her mom :troll: Rosalie so philanthrope, she got a job cleaning houses of homeless people
  2. Rosalie so smart, she sold her car to have money for fuel
  3. :happyforever:
  4. :happyforever:
  5. :happyforever:
  6. :happyforever:
  7. :happyforever:
  8. :happyforever:
  9. :happyforever:
  10. da
  11. :happyforever:
  12. :happyforever:
  13. :happyforever:
  14. i was here even before you been born erroding bricks in the form of a storm better believe it cause im the titan with a granit right hand :happyforever:
  15. google popcorn gif
  16. me when i eneter report section
  17. i lose myself like in highschool on the periodic table
  18. :happyforever:
  19. help here please :y u no?: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=123045.0
  20. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=269676.0
  21. :happyforever:
  22. your mama's teeth are so yellow that traffic slows down when she smiles
  23. esti tu trist
  24. arguing on the internet, one of the must useless things (said raule after 5 beers)
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