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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Nice, i will rename mine in Recycle Bin Laden :)), thanks for share.
  2. What is XAMPP? XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages. Downlaod Video ->http://www.4shared.com/file/107036852/f9986b00/XAMPP_Tutorial.html Credits: jymmir
  3. Omg, i never seen so much bass, look at the windows. P.S the first song is Ying Yang Twins - salt shaker.
  4. Afaik gracia plus is made by russians(custom).
  5. Name Server: I don't care Server Rates: 300x Enchant rate: 70 Enchant max: 18 Enchant Safe: 4 Gm Shop - Yes NPC Buffer - Yes Luxary Gatekeeper - Yes Npc Enchanter - no Raid Boss Teleporter - No Noblesse Manager- Yes You need a item requirement to be Noblesse - Yes Hero Manager - no You need a item requirement to be Hero - no Custom Items Included: no Custom Armors Included: no Custom Weapons Included: no Automatic Events Included: no Automtic Event, Team versus Team: no What location must the Players spawn when created a character: default Let Player being married: Yes What are the costs to marry ?2kkk adena In how many Minutes or seconds you must be teleportted to your love, When Married: 15 seconds Allow the Wargods Class Changer: Yes What is the price for changing your class: free Allow Players to subclass: Yes Allow players to have multiclass: No What will be the Max that you can subclass: 6 What will be the price to be able to subclass: Free Allow players to Dualbox: Yes Allow Fall damage: No How long must the buffs stay in Hours or Minutes: 24h How many buff bars can you hold: 3 What must the the Name or Title color of the Clan Leader: dark red Lets do a Announce for the Castle Lords when they login in game: no How many items can you hold in your inventory: 120 Max Atk.Spd: 1200 Max Casting.Spd: 1450 Announce PVP / PK kills: No Allow to teleport for free with gate keepers: Yes DragonHunter Idea's: Shine a glow when you make a pvp or PK: Both Give a price on a PVP or PK: No Custom Lethal System: 5% Custom Pets: No Custom Npc System: Yes Faction System: No Changing Name Color After X pvp kills: yes Changing Title Color After X pvp kills: yes Changing Name Color After X PK kills: yes Changing Title Color After X PK kills: yes Rebirth System: No Allowed to teleport while in PVP: No Disable Blessed Scroll of Escape: No Allowed to use Potions while using skills: yes Cannot attack players if they are X level: Yes
  6. Nice guide, maybe i'll give a try, thanks.
  7. Voted for professional. He's very good with AWP.
  8. Nice and simple guide! Thanks for share, you're awesome!
  9. I go to test it in some gracia servers. I'll give you the results later.
  10. ahahahha he should play in a comedy movie :D
  11. It looks like a demon. im gonna practice, thanks karma.
  12. Wow, it looks like tunned, thanks for sharin it with us.
  13. Don't triple post! If you got the item +0 that's mean the multisell bug is fixed.
  14. I don't like them at all, the old one was 10x times better. P.S the guy with bow would look better if was an char from l2.
  15. No, i want to hide only the phx process.
  16. Is hidden. Lol i go send it to some "friends", thanks
  17. I'm wondering if is possible to hide the phx process from task manager, if is possible please share with me.
  18. Cool NpCs especially the Santa, i go make some screens, thanks.
  19. I think you talk about Clan Hall buffs, search for them, should work.
  20. Wow, nice bug, as i see the status does not remain, but is cool for design :P
  21. L2DeathWhisper, the most popular for me.
  22. W0w, nice share i will use the hellbound one in my interlude, thanks for share.
  23. Roflmao, this si a crazy crazy idea, i go to buy gum, thanks for this crazy share ;D :D
  24. Well, after i send the packed nothing happens, i think it's fixed :'(
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