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Everything posted by Raule

  1. mai ai 8 zile
  2. ungurubulan= hungarian luck
  3. que hacer ?
  4. Raule


    I just play with him right now ^^
  5. Aici poti sa scri cat vrei http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28796.msg758523#new
  6. And now about me. im old, very old. My identity card expired before invention of paper. And guess what, my sword can cut the water in two sides, separating hydrogen by oxygen.
  7. I banned him.
  8. KO
  9. Spam Mutu - Alta
  10. Just report only active spammers and stop replying to spammers if you dont want your karma to get decreased. Btw cleaned some of them.
  11. I moved the topic from greek section to Junkyard, deleted your post too.
  12. Did i missed something ?
  13. I locked the topic and warned the user, let's wait for a global mod to move it to junkyard.
  14. d0ds first warning for posting warez. Topic locked until moved.
  15. Title fixed.
  16. Vezi ca faci turturi..aa tuturoi :))
  17. DS kangaroo master //_#
  18. Title fixed.
  19. A crezut ca e Dumnezeu pe mess de avea statusu' ala.
  20. Raule


    I removed his posts, if he keep spamming i will ban him.
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