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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Dude you watched that muvi ?
  2. Dudes lets wish good luck to Chandy :D
  3. I don't think you can do it with phx, or is not shared in mxc.
  4. The render and the text are well placed but the background it looks too clean also the text is sux.
  5. Wich server ;o
  6. k
  7. One link is dead, Locked.
  8. Raule

    -1 lolz

    Clementius (+0/-0) JohnCena (+2/-4) - bad lang. In topic Yesterday at 12:36:54 PM TexasHomie (+1/-0) JohnCena (+2/-4) - Flame In topic January 16, 2010, 03:23:14 PM xKenji (+4/-2) JohnCena (+2/-4) - fixed In topic January 16, 2010, 08:59:20 AM `GodPower^ (+18/-8) JohnCena (+2/-4) + Lol He just give a rate also is spam section In topic January 16, 2010, 08:56:02 AM Intrepid (+8/-5) JohnCena (+2/-4) + karma restore In topic January 16, 2010, 08:55:30 AM SySt3MGaM3RFr3aKs (+1/-2) JohnCena (+2/-4) - Spamming destroying the topic
  9. No ofense but first learn to make sigs and after make gifts.
  10. Yes! many funny phases
  11. Guys watch the muvi : Alvin and Chipmunks. They making beatbox, i can't stop laughing :D
  12. This one will save alot of time in low rates. Btw thanks dude for refreshing the exploits section till i'm busy ^^ ( jk )
  13. Because it's fixed.
  14. Moved to request exploits since no exploit shared.
  15. No torrents allowed. Just type in google: interlude torrent, and you find many.
  16. If you want to open a server learn the basic things, learn java, beg for some money to your parents and rent a dedicated, ofc if you want a serious server. If you want one week server with ucoz site it's ok. Btw Moved.
  17. i think spam section must be removed
  18. Ok locked.
  19. I spoke with Grisom to make a rule, dunno why he didnt..
  20. Pm Maxtor and tell him to do it manually.
  21. Removed offtopic replies..y'all focused too much on anime renders, use this advice, gfxers..
  22. DOne already.
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