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Everything posted by Raule

  1. All done. @xryskom next time write where should be moved because i dont know greek.
  2. Dude, do not reply in more topics asking same question. [Ro] iti arata trojan pentru ca e hacking tool...oircum nu iti afecteaza pc-u.
  3. Download gameguard killer from http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69451.0
  4. That will not affect your pc, don't worry, it's a hacking tool.
  5. Lol, that's not possible..maybe you've deleted something from the client.. Download gg killer from here.
  6. Te ajut io @bubule ce ai vrut atunci ? :))
  7. iara o luat ban asta :))
  8. Ce faci maistore te-ai bagat pe exploituri al cs ? :))
  9. Because The friends show you " the back" even if you dont have gay face ;D
  10. -1 ;D Btw Karma could you answer in pm ?
  11. Nu shchiu..
  12. Photoshop
  13. Io am facut-o aia :))
  14. cu cine vorbesti?
  15. Lasa ca mergi tu la net ma :))
  16. You must be blind to not see a stickied topic.. locked though.
  17. Already posted by me http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=71055.0 Locked.
  18. :| dude it doesnt start because you just replace the systems, first copy ip from the server, delete the system( from C:\Program Files\Lineage II or where you have it) add the server's ip in the new patched system and copy it in your l2 game directory, it must work.
  19. Ok try with second method..with the patched system. I mean just delete the old system and add the server ip in the new system.
  20. Ba..daca ati sti cat ma bucur ca avem si noi ceva romani p'aici :)) ma refer la voi nu la aia care sunt banati dupa ce s-au inregistrat :)) Mai demult eram io cu Dariuse numa'...
  21. Check the first way http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=61494.0 :D
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