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Everything posted by Raule

  1. da nu e transparenta
  2. no' las-ca-o fac io
  3. Cu photoshop :D
  4. bai si scoate lama frate...
  5. Lol, mersi Maistore, ce zici o faci transparenta si mai mica ca sa o bag la sig ? :D bubule, am fost busy ca Bush.. o sa iti fac.
  6. Revolution! We want GrisoM as Admin.
  7. Hi
  8. Hmm...l2 core, l2evo can't really choose between these.
  9. MA duc la fotbal servus
  10. Afaik the dagger enchantment is felt only with normal hit.
  11. Raule


    You want a password finder or what ?
  12. The future is being now
  13. If you wanna "cry" please go in dev sections and not here. Thanks.
  14. Nu stiu ce are Setekh cu lamele..
  15. da pla ma, mi-e daca imi tre ceva..ma descurc incat sa gasesc :))
  16. Lol hlapex hihi Just search here..for guides -.-
  17. It's hidden now :) What can i say, it looks amazing. I hope will not be any keylogger inside :S
  18. Ahahahahaha Agree with you guys, farming sucks but necessary.
  19. Happy Birthday dude.
  20. Am vrut sa scriu asculta :)) dap o stiu.. O super mare diferenta intre Adn si Spike.
  21. Lasa..am avut chef sa intru in l2 :)) mi-a trecut. Ascult 2012- Cearcane :O
  22. dariuse n-ai ceva srv "aiurea" ?
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