how to config gameserver/loginserver java path ? any explain?
' Get Java path.
Dim path
Set shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
path = shell.Environment.Item("JAVA_HOME")
If path = "" Then
MsgBox "Could not find JAVA_HOME environment variable!", vbOKOnly, "Game Server"
If InStr(path, "\bin") = 0 Then
path = path + "\bin\"
path = path + "\"
End If
path = Replace(path, "\\", "\")
path = Replace(path, "Program Files", "Progra~1")
End If
' Generate command.
Dim command
command = path & "java -Xmx2280m -cp ../libs/*; l2j.luceraV3.gameserver.GameServer"
' Run the server.
Dim exitcode
exitcode = 0
' Run the command and keep the console open.
exitcode = shell.Run("cmd /c " & command & " & exit", 0, True)
' Handle the exit code
If exitcode = 2 Then
' Restart
exitcode = 2
ElseIf exitcode <> 0 Then
' Error
exitcode = 0
Exit Do
End If
Loop While exitcode = 2