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  1. I'm glad I bought the paid version, which is constantly updated, and this guy works very hard. He is a reliable seller, the project is different from the usual garbage, it just lacks modifications on the server side, which is slowly being added, and provides me with updates. My appreciation to you !!!. Trusted seller
  2. thanks, its work
  3. how to config gameserver/loginserver java path ? any explain? ' Get Java path. Dim path Set shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") path = shell.Environment.Item("JAVA_HOME") If path = "" Then MsgBox "Could not find JAVA_HOME environment variable!", vbOKOnly, "Game Server" Else If InStr(path, "\bin") = 0 Then path = path + "\bin\" Else path = path + "\" End If path = Replace(path, "\\", "\") path = Replace(path, "Program Files", "Progra~1") End If ' Generate command. Dim command command = path & "java -Xmx2280m -cp ../libs/*; l2j.luceraV3.gameserver.GameServer" ' Run the server. Dim exitcode exitcode = 0 Do ' Run the command and keep the console open. exitcode = shell.Run("cmd /c " & command & " & exit", 0, True) ' Handle the exit code If exitcode = 2 Then ' Restart exitcode = 2 ElseIf exitcode <> 0 Then ' Error exitcode = 0 Exit Do End If Loop While exitcode = 2
  4. @Celestine Link off Re-upload Please
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