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Everything posted by theunynck

  1. would this work on l2 gracia ? :D
  2. well few java servers it will work x)
  3. The shield is realy nice ;)
  4. omfg how u did that ^^
  5. there is no best class all classes can kill each other
  6. i would lie on the ground when he looked in l2 and write down all the weapons :p
  7. Stealing a good idea isnt bad ;) And wow never will have these nice textures as l2
  8. Thx dude need to test it :D
  9. well adding skills and class wil be boring anyway but like building your own house or something could be cool or battlefields or cannons or something
  10. well i think a all day player that realy know alot from l2 cuz a bug user will be out game cuz everyday they remove bugs
  11. Nice share But they will kick your ass anyway for spamming :P
  12. uhhhm everyone know that x)
  13. This totaly owns and ofcorse for dragon network it does pwn ! :D
  14. Well e they are working on it so x) patient is good my friend
  15. Does somebody knows eve online cheats ?
  16. well its nice but uuhhmm i dont know alot servers want new weapens servers do more and more client side things but anyway a good job
  17. u forgot one with your soultaker CURSE OF DOOM CURSE OF WARRIOR OR CURSE OF MAGE x) the raly rocks when they do cast on player like advanture or gladiator no skills so ye they are screwed then
  18. Just say whate class and ow u use your skills x) Adventure: Bluff->Backstab->Lethal strike->Deadly blow->Critical blow->Mortal strike ==== ==== 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1111111111
  19. pistols ?? i think it are crosbbows
  20. BOTH of them are gppdmp char is better they all can defeat eachother face it xP
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