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FlatroON last won the day on February 2

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  1. sorry, here it is. Can you add this to original post? Pricing: Bug Fixes: Starting from €20 Add-ons (New Features): Starting from €30 Custom Mods (Complex Features): Starting from €120
  2. [L2J Developer Services - Over 3 Years of Experience | Bug Fixes | Feature Implementation | Clean & Reliable Code] Hello, L2J enthusiasts! I am an experienced L2J developer with over 3 years of hands-on experience working on various Lineage 2 projects. If you're looking for someone to improve your server or bring your ideas to life while maintaining stability and top-notch performance, you're in the right place! What I Offer: Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements: Identify and fix bugs that disrupt your server, enhancing gameplay stability. Feature Implementation & Enhancement: Add new features or refine existing ones to create a unique and engaging player experience. Chronicle Feature Migration: Seamlessly port features from one Chronicle to another without compromising compatibility. Clean, Efficient Code: I write structured and maintainable code that does not break original server functionality or impact performance. User-Friendly Configuration: Easy-to-understand configuration options so that admins can customize settings effortlessly without needing coding expertise. Why Choose Me? Reliable Solutions: I ensure every modification integrates smoothly with your existing system. No Performance Trade-Offs: My development approach prioritizes optimization and server stability. Secure and Server-Friendly Code: Always focused on protecting and preserving your project's integrity. Transparent Communication: I keep you updated on progress and explain solutions clearly. If you're serious about making your Lineage 2 server stand out with top-quality development services, feel free to contact me. Let's build something amazing together! Contact Information: PM me on Forum. Discord: l2retro Looking forward to working with passionate server owners who want the best for their players! Cheers!
  3. Sell korean system for classic interlude (works with l2jmobius), not available anywhere online, translated manually by editing interface and adding all missing files. Here are some screens: Contact me on forum or on discord: jak0970
  4. Im having same problem with bracelet, how to change MonicaEssence2 to MonicaEssence inside interface.xdat? I do find that line with notepad but when I change it manually client throws error, also tried using xdat editor, but there is no field with MonicaEssence there
  5. Can't make the highlights work like that, even tho I have it enabled in options, is it me only or are they non-functional?
  6. Hello, Im trying to de-compile ai.obj from hf with mastertomas nasc decompiler, I am getting errors. I tried installing php provided in the archive to environment variables, php commands do work from cmd, also set chronicle to h5. Idk, whats the issue PHP Warning: file_get_contents(data//handlers.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in F:\nasc-decompiler-master\core\data.php on line 14 PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of Data::jsonDecode() must be of the type array, null returned in F:\nasc-decompiler-master\core\data.php:80 Stack trace: #0 F:\nasc-decompiler-master\core\data.php(14): Data->jsonDecode('') #1 F:\nasc-decompiler-master\core\main.php(140): Data->__construct('data//handlers....', 'data//variables...', 'data//functions...', 'data//enums.jso...') #2 F:\nasc-decompiler-master\core\main.php(69): Main->initializeDependencies() #3 F:\nasc-decompiler-master\core\main.php(381): Main->run() #4 {main} thrown in F:\nasc-decompiler-master\core\data.php on line 80 Press any key to continue . . .
  7. link broken
  8. No support for High five?
  9. https://mega.nz/file/OzZQyIxC#U-KZgYyTUJeL7AsXn4HCt3WMg_ieU411nwNzEmK2pEU
  10. Hello, A while ago client asked me to setup a C5 official server for him, I had never worked or played on C5 before, so I asked him to give me some time and started searching on google. I downloaded about 7 different archives that were shared on english, brazilian and russian forums, and tried them out. The packs were used for old c5 servers, and they were upgraded from c4. And as a matter of fact they were all garbage, full of bugs, missing main c5 features, skills, quests, npcs, items etc... So after discussing this with my client I started making a c5 pack my own, and long story short I made the best, most complete, C5 pack out there, full of features. Just to list some: -Full compatibility with C5/Interlude official clients (patch can work with both of them). -Full C5 NPCs. -Full C5 Skills. -Full C5 Quests. -All Interlude stuff including extra locations, extra quests, extra skills. removed. -All changes were made according to official sources. Extender capabilities: -Offline shop system. -Java like scheme buffer. - .MENU - LOOT AUTO - EXP ON OFF - PIN SYSTEM. - AIO SYSTEM. - TVT. - Dressme system. - Pre-made GM-Shop and other custom npcs for mid rate craft pvp. - Etc. So, based on the features it provides, you can build a classic C5 low rate as well as C5 PVP server, both will be much more stable,bug-free and official-like than any l2j server out there. Price : 400$. (Includes support - configuration & installation) Discord: L2Retro#0793
      • 1
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  11. Problems launching GameServer.sh on Debian 10, terminal outputs : Starting Gameserver, but it never starts. I run oracle jdk 1.8.0_202 Output java -version: stdout.log : I fixed this error by adding one more dot in front of ./libs/* in gameserver_loop.sh, so now its " jar:config:../libs/* " , but another problem, Im stuck on server choose screen, it disconnects me after confirming. Yet the server runs fine and shows online status... Any suggestions? https://ibb.co/d4zffRz
  12. I get an error, tried to overwrite on few different systems
  13. Maybe a free one anybody? I just need a clean system, no mods.
  14. Hello, looking for clean system Essence - Vanguard, if anybody has it please upload
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