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  1. I think it should
  2. In my opinion, i should spoil in a x5 - x15 server aswell, good drop/spoil and fast/easy
  3. BMW! Cheers.
  4. Cov for Massive PvP's
  5. Hi there, im a seller in Lineage II, and I was wondering what the community thinks, which servers are better to sell items? Or in which servers do you think you need more sellers? I mean, low-mid-high rate server, and some chronicles to know! Thanks in advance! PerfectDealer.
  6. Perfect. I just saw it, thanks
  7. No news from him... I have a question, i cant comment, to up my last post, what should i do?
  8. As you can see in the pictures, it is a PayPal issue, they rejected it, so maybe you can see it in your balance in the next few days, but I need an answer, if you agree to wait until it is reversed, we can close the case for now
  9. This is his profile: https://maxcheaters.com/profile/134708-lineage-2/ I am a coin seller, I am constantly changing, this boy contacted me, we made a correct first transaction (20USD) and in the 2nd, which I delivered and then rejected, he stopped responding to me, but I see recent activity in the forum for his part This is the post he made: Proofs: Thanks anyways, i want a solution. PerfectDealer
  10. I sent PM Trusted Trader, fast trader Cheers, PerfectDealer.
  11. Im going to start to work again! Tell me server recommendations! Price 1 USD = --- Contact me for info of more items. Minimum sell USD: --- -------------------------------------------------------------- Now we can make the transaction via the new Antiscam trade protection system implemented by Maxcheaters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have high reputation with our sells, make sure you're adding me right. Contact me here or via SKYPE / DISCORD Skype: live:.cid.2f0d62c0d0bb4b73 Discord: PerfectDealer#7257 I work only with PayPal/Skrill or MercadoPago (ARG)
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